"They're almost gone." Calum pouts, and he was right. Those three love bites that he had given me were almost completely faded.

"I know."

"Don't worry I'll give you some more." Calum smirks.

"No you won't." I return his smirk.

"Oh I will, like you said paybacks a bitch."

"Cal-" I start but he cuts me off by placing a swift kiss to my sweet spot. "And next time you won't be holding back those moans." Calum whispers in my ear sending a chill through my entire body.

"You're a dick." I reply pushing him away. Calum laughs before sending me a cheeky smile.

"Are you really not hungover this morning?"

"Nope. Just thirsty." Calum shrugs.

"That just makes you even more of a dick." I point out.

"Does not."

"It does." I say before going to turn away from him but he catches my wrist.

"Genieee." Calum says looking like a puppy. An adorable cuddly puppy.


"Shouldn't it be Cal-yum?" I roll my eyes at him before smiling.


"I know." Calum nods looking pleased.

"Can I go now?" I ask looking at his hand that was still wrapped around my wrist.

"I don't know can you." Calum smirks at me and I'm torn between wanting to punch in him in the face with my lips or my fist.

"You're annoying." I scoff pulling my wrist out of his grip.

"You're annoying." Calum retorts.

"I'm gonna go." I say.

"You do that." Calum nods and I shake my head at him before turning around and beginning to walk away.

"Genie." Calum calls and I sigh before turning around and raising my eyebrows at him.

"I'm gonna have a shower." Calum says and I frown at him.


"Wanna join?" Calum wiggles his eyebrows.

"Sorry Cal, looks like it's just you and your hand again." I smirk and Calum shoots me a glare. "Enjoy that shower." I say before going back into the living room.

"Morning." Claudia greets me happily.

"Morning girly." I take the empty seat next to her and let out a small yawn. I woke up way too early this morning.

"Where's Cal?" Ashton asks.

"Enjoying some quality time with his hand in the shower."

"Ew." Claudia frowns in disgust.

"Sounds like Something Ashton will be doing." Emma laughs but judging by the look on Ashton face he doesn't find it funny.

"Hilarious." Ashton grunts.

"You know I feel like us girls need some time away from the boys." Claudia says getting our attention.

"Sounds like fun to me." Emma nods.

"Yeah I agree."

"Well how about we leave in about an hour?" Claudia suggests.

"It's a date." Emma says full of enthusiasm.

"I'm going back to bed." Ashton groans before standing up from the couch and leaving us girls.

"Is Aria still asleep?" I ask no one in particular.

"I guess so." Claudia shrugs.

"She could be in the shower or something." Emma points out.

"Hmm well I think I might to wake her and let her know the plan." I say standing back up.

"Good idea." Claudia spreads herself across the couch now that I was no longer sitting there.

I leave the living room and go down to Aria's room and lightly tap on the door but don't get an answer. I open her door before peeking in and see that she isn't in there, maybe Emma was right and she was in the shower.

I closed her bedroom door and decide to go to the bathroom that right next to her room. Just as I'm about to knock on the door, it opens to reveal Aria and Michael.... Who both looking insanely guilty.

A/N: Doublee update! It's a little short but hey who cares? :D

The Boyfriend Project. C.H. (A.U.) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now