Disappointment- Highschool!AU Cards

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Later, around six, he sat at the dinner table with his two parents. A fourth plate was left out but Diamond knew that his brother was probably out again. He often came home late after hanging out with friends.

Diamond cleared his throat, getting his Mom and Dad's attention. "I'll be leaving soon. A classmate needs my help with a test."

"Classmate?" His mother grinned. "Is it PebbleTeen? She is so into you!"

Diamond shook his head. "No, no, not her. And I doubt it, we're just friends. It's Clubs."

The smile faded into a more concerned one, as did his father's. "Clubs? That boy is trouble, don't get too mixed up with him, you hear?" His father told him.

Diamond nodded slightly, pushing his feelings even further back. Everyone around town knew of Clubs, and how he would do all sorts of things. So far, he had already gotten in trouble for graffiti art and trespassing, with several others likely since he could've gotten away with it very easily.

As he finished up, he cleared his plate and packed up to head to his car, then heard his parents talking as he left. "Did you hear the latest rumor 'bout that kid? They say he's gay."

"I thought he was flirting with girls all the time?"

"But apparently he never actually dated any of them, they say he's been caught kissing a boy in the alley. Don't know if it's right, but that's what they say. Trouble I tell you! Everything about him is trouble!"

Diamond heard his parents continue to talk, but as he left for his car, it took him a while to ignite the gas, his heart pounding. He thought back to when Clubs winked at him. It could've been at a girl and it could've just been a rumor. He told himself. Why do you ever care? You're not into him.

Diamond had to say those words a few times to believe they were at least somewhat true.

When Diamond pulled up to Clubs' house, he wasn't sure what to expect. It was a one story house with a small yard, and he suspected there was probably a basement as well. His house was much like the rest of the neighborhood, and Diamond felt out of place wearing his suit while the rest of the people he saw were wearing basketball shorts and T-shirts.

Knocking on the door, he was surprised when someone else opened the door. His hair was messy and he had a blanket draped around his shoulders. He blinked in puzzlement. "Can I help you?" He asked uncertainty.

Diamond paused before he recognized him as Ace, someone at school. He's Club' Brother? "I'm looking for Clubs. He here?"

Ace nodded absently before inviting him in the house. When he did, Ace called out. "Hey Clubs! You've got a visitor."

As Ace shuffled away, Clubs popped into the room and grinned. "Thanks bro, love ya." He called, getting a similar response back before having Diamond follow him.

Clubs brought him into his room, which while kinda messy, wasn't too bad. A few posters on the walls, some stray socks on the ground which he snatched off the ground quickly, and his bed was half made. Diamond set his things down on it and took out his history folder.

"Thanks again." Clubs told him, closing the door. "I-uh- tried to clean up a little but I'm not very organized."

Diamond looked around and shrugged. "Valiant effort, the thought is appreciated. What parts of history do you need help on?"

"...All of it?" Clubs answered sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head.

Diamond stared until he was sure it wasn't a joke, then groaned. "All of it? You're killing me here. Why haven't you been studying?"

Memes And Other Fun| Book 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang