I quirked an eyebrow.

"There's no way of telling if you can come back."

I knew there would be risks, but that revelation revealed that I hadn't thought this out as much as I thought I had. I was going into this blind.

I didn't even know if I could trust Oscar. What if I really couldn't come back? I was still leaning on the 'what if it's all just bullshit' side of things too. It was almost easier to digest it if I believed everyone was crazy.

"Mrs Haleton, I hate to do this. But I need you to realize the severity of the situation. If he goes back and changes time, it'll lead to a disastrous ending. I can't allow him to do that. I need you to work with us."

The look he had in his eyes earlier rang through my mind. I didn't know Oscar enough to trust him, but I remembered the way he cared for Junior, I remembered the way his arms wrapped around me by the lakeside, I remember his golden eyes in the diner, I remember his steely gaze as he told me he'd come get me if anything happened.

"I can't do that. I told you, I have no intention of working with you. Take your money and get out."

The man blinked in surprise.

"Mrs Haleton."

"Get out." I barked, shoving the money across to him. His eyes hardened considerably.

"Your grandmother is on flight B65 to Montana right now. You wouldn't want anything to happen to her, would you?"

I let out a light laugh. "What happen to not wanting to use force? If that's your way of trying to conform me, you can both go fuck yourselves."

The woman put her hand on his, giving him a look.

"We understand Mrs Haleton, we won't trouble you any more. There's just one thing we should inform you of."

My eyes narrowed.

"This is a confidential case. However, to our knowledge you disclosed classified information to a 'Sadie Quay. I think you can understand why this might lead to risk of exposure."

I breathed in deeply.

"Did you tap my house?"

She grinned deeply, her pale eyes reflecting mine.

"Fine, I'll get the damn file. But we do this on my terms." I lied, slowly and smoothly. Both of them straightened.

"It'll take me time to get close to him and obtain it. You will not harm anyone close to me, and you will not show up when you want anymore. I will contact you,"

Time to get close to him, meaning I'll be stalling until the 22nd of June.  Because if all goes to plan and this entire situation isn't deranged, I won't need to worry anymore.

'Just buy time Finley.' I told myself.

The woman grinned slyly. "Of course, Mrs Haleton."


After they left I combed my house and found three black little bugs, one under the table, one beneath my grandma's floral pattern sofa and another in my room.

I was beyond angry. But I was angry at myself for being so naive. Now I knew just how deep in I was. It was my own downfall for thinking everything was to be taken as a joke at first.

I checked under my car and inside, pulling up the seats but didn't find anything, thankfully.

I sighed, putting my head in my hands. This was a disaster. But I only had three weeks left until the 22nd of June. I could make it. I had to.

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