Chapter 11

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Octavia's POV

"What are you doing here?!" Indra yelled as she ran over to Clarke and Octavia who stood in front of the truck.

"I'm here to see Skyler." Octavia growled, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You're not welcome here." Indra barked.

"Indra, we are not here to hurt anyone. We just want to see Lexa and skyler." Clarke said, trying to reason with the head of the guards.

Suddenly, the alarm announcing that the Ice Nation's poison glass was coming began blaring through the land, bouncing off the trees and echoing across the valley.

"Indra! Come on!" The guards began running back towards the main building in Polis.

"Please." Clarke begged. "If we stay out here, that gas will kill us."

Indra narrowed her eyes at the two girls before her.

The cloud of poison gas travelled closer.

"Indra! Please." Octavia begged, glancing behind them.

"Indra!" Lexa ran out. "Come on!" Her eyes landed on Clarke and she stopped. "What are you two doing here?!"

"I want to fix things between us." Clarke responded.

"I want to see Skyler." Octavia said.

Lexa glanced at the cloud. "Let them in, Indra." She commanded.

Indra sighed heavily and let the two teens into the room. The four women ran towards the building. They got in just in time as the doors closed.

"Thank you." Clarke said gratefully to Lexa.

"Whatever." Lexa walked away from them.

Clarke and Octavia sighed and looked at each other. "At least we are here." Octavia said quietly.

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