Chapter 1

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Skyler's P.O.V
I stood in front of a sky boy who had dark hair and brown eyes. He was taller than me and had a bigger build. He was stronger than me. Raising his right arm, he struck me across the face, causing me to fall to the floor - face in the wet mud. I shrieked in pain as he kicked me in the side. I felt weak - I was weak, unable to fight back - my people were right to think of me as just the Commander's Baby Sister.

Looking over to the crowd that had formed around the boy and I, - face still in the wet mud - I spotted Octavia, standing at the front of the crowd, worry and shock written all over her face - she was still beautiful. Her long brown hair flowed neatly down her back, her side fringe covering one of her beautiful brown eyes. I could see the fury building up in her brown eyes.

The boy dragged my attention away from Octavia by kicking me in the side again. I cried out in pain. I couldn't and didn't make any attempt to fight back - knowing that if I did it would only make things worse. I lay there in the wet mud and took the beating until I heard Octavia shout, "Bellamy! Stop!" Her voice was full of fury.

Octavia made her way into the area and stood in front of me - blocking me from both Bellamy and his anger.

I looked passed Octavia to see Bellamy holding a gun, pointing it towards my head. His hand was shaking and he was sweating. He looked me in the eye and moved his index finger onto the trigger. "Octavia! Get out of the way!" He shrieked with anger.

"No!" Octavia protested. "Let her go!"

"No! I can't. She has to pay for what she's done - for what her sister did, for what her people did!" Bellamy argued.

"Don't you think she has suffered enough?! Should she suffer for the actions of someone else?" Octavia shouted at Bellamy. "Let me take her, I'll keep her out of trouble. I promise." Octavia's tone of voice changed - it softened. She was almost calm but I could hear the anger that still lingered in her voice.

He took his index finger off of the trigger but kept the gun up. "Fine!" Bellamy growled in a low voice that was full of anger. He put the gun in his pocket and wiped the sweat off of his forehead with his sleeve. He turned away from Octavia and I and walked away - defeated. As he turned he kicked up mud with the heal of his muddy black boot. The mud splattered all over my face.

The crowd scattered as Octavia dropped to her knees beside me. "Skyler!" She said quietly so only I could hear. Her voice was soft and reassuring but full of worry.

"Octavia," I mumbled weakly in a low gravely voice, that was barely audible. I was struggling to stay conscious, everything around me seemed to be fading to black but Octavia stayed bright.

"Shhhhh! Don't talk, save your strength. I'm gonna take you to Abby. She'll help you." Octavia said. She picked me up bridle-style and, as fast as she could with me in her arms, ran to the Ark's medical wing.

"Abby!" Octavia cried as she burst through the doors. "I need your help!" Her voice was full of panic.

Abby appeared immediately. "What happened?" She asked in a calm voice.

Octavia put me down, as gently as she could, on a bed and I let out a cry of pain as my back touched the bed.

"Bellamy beat her up. He said she had to pay for what her people and sister had done!" Octavia said, voice shaking. She was almost crying.

"Ok, Octavia, I need you to calm down. If you are gonna stay with Skyler, you need to be calm so she doesn't start to panic. I need you to go with Clarke and sterilise your hands." Abby said calmly.

Octavia calmed herself quickly and she, Abby and Clarke left to sterilise their hands.

I let out a few whimpers while they were gone. Pain shooting through my leg and the left side of my body.

The three of them rushed back in when I let out a loud cry. Octavia rushed straight to me and grabbed my hand. "Abby, should I clean her face?" She asked, looking at Abby who  stood beside Clarke leaning over a cart with medical equipment on it. Abby looked up and nodded.

Octavia placed my hand on the bed beside my weak body and picked up a cloth and dunking it into the water container next to the bed, she wiped the now dry mud off my face. She was careful around my eyes and nose, knowing that they were sensitive and that I didn't like people touching them. Once she was finished cleaning my face she took my hand again and held it tight.

Abby came over with a pair of scissors in her hands. She cut my top off - leaving only my crop top to cover me - and Octavia lifted me up as Abby pulled my top out from under me and threw it in the bin. Abby took one look at my body and said, "Clarke, needle and thread."

Clarke carried them over with a jug of - what I presumed was - water, but I was wrong it was some sort of sterilisation liquid. Clarke took the scissors from Abby.

Abby took the jug from Clarke and poured the liquid over my body. I held back a scream of pain as the liquid hit my upper body. Abby passed the jug back to Clarke and began to stitch up the holes on my body that Bellamy had made with his boot.

Once she was done with the upper half of my body, Abby took a look at my face. "She's lucky, her face is okay, it doesn't need stitches. Probably just need a plaster for her forehead." She said to Octavia. She reached for a plaster that was sitting on the table next to the bed I was laying on. Opening it she placed it over the cut on my forehead.

Octavia let out a sigh and squeezed my hand. I could see relief wash over her and her whole body relaxed a little bit.

Abby and Clarke moved to my legs and Abby took the scissors from Clarke. She cut off my trousers and gave the scissors back to Clarke. Abby took the jug from Clarke and washed my legs with the liquid from the jug. She passed the jug back to Clarke as I held back another scream as the liquid made contact with the skin on my legs.

Clarke put the jug down on the table as Abby inspected my legs.

"Bellamy got a few good kicks to her legs so I'm not sure if they are broken." Octavia said. I could hear that she was holding back tears.

Abby looked at Octavia, nodded her head and then shared a glance with Clarke. She laid a hand on my right leg and moved it. I let out the scream that I was holding back.

Abby lifted up my right leg and bent it. I let out another cry of pain and gripped Octavia's hand. Abby shared another glance with Clarke and said, "Octavia, Clarke and I have to operate on Skyler's right leg to put her knee bone back into place. I'm not sure if you want to leave or not."

"I'm not leaving her side!" Octavia said.

Clarke moved so she was on the left side of me and repeated Abby's actions with my left leg. "Mum, her left leg is fine. Just a little bruised."

Abby nodded, "I'll prescribe some ointment for the cuts." She said as she moved around across the room, preparing to operate on my leg.

"I'll go get Skyler a drink." Clarke said and she left the room. She came back a few seconds later with a glass of water. She came over to Octavia and I. Clarke and Octavia helped me sit up slightly. I nervously took a drink, the bad experiences I had had over the last few days with these people made me weary of Sky People, but not Octavia, who smiled at me encouragingly.

As I lay back down I began to feel tired. I looked at Octavia tiredly. "Goodnight." Octavia whispered.

She was the last thing I saw before I fell asleep.

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