Chapter 5

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Octavia's POV

Three days had passed since Lexa had sentenced Bellamy to death, which in my opinion she couldn't do, she wasn't our leader, but I held my tongue - not wanting to face the same fate as my brother. She had shown up early this morning to prepare for Bellamy's death.

"Why is Lexa's army here?" Skyler asked, pushing herself up into a sitting position.

"She sentenced Bellamy to death." I mumbled sadly, helping her.

"She did what?" Skyler asked in shock. "She can't do that, she's not your leader."

As if on queue, Lexa walked into the hospital room, a grim look on her face.

"Lexa, you can't kill Bellamy, he's not one of your people." Skyler said immediately.

"I can do what I want." Lexa countered, walking towards the bed.

"You might be the commander, but he's not one of your people." Skyler argued, leaning back on her elbows.

Lexa stopped by the bed. "His people are part of the coalition." Lexa stated. She shrugged.

"If you kill him, I'll never forgive you and I won't come home." Skyler stared at her sister. She quirked her right eyebrow.

Lexa's face changed to resemble shock before she composed herself. "He hurt you, he can't get away with that." She stated.

"Don't kill him, but put him through the Trikru army training." Skyler suggested, a hopeful glint in her eye.

Lexa thought for a moment before sighing. "Fine, but you have to come home, no fighting or arguing. You have to come willingly."

"Deal." Skyler said.

Lexa left the hospital room and I sighed in relief.

"Thank you, Skyler." I breathed, kissing the side of her head. "Thank you for saving my brother."

"Someone's got to keep Lexa in line now that Clarke isn't with her." Skyler giggled.

We both burst into fits of laughter, clutching our sides.

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