Chapter 8

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Skyler's POV

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Skyler's POV

"You've been gone for so long." My best friend, Alyse said.

"Alyse, you and I both know I don't belong here. I never have." I said, shifting on the bed I was lying on.

"But you are my best friend." She sat down on the bed and pushed her brown hair out her eyes. "I missed you. I was so bored without you."

"No you weren't. You we're all over Chad." I said, giggling. I knew it and she knew I knew.

Blushing, she pushed my shoulder. "Shut up."

"Ha! I was right." I laughed. "You have the biggest crush on him."

"I do not." She hit me in the shoulder with the pillow.

"You do so." I laughed, hitting her with a pillow.

We engaged in a small pillow fight before she fell onto the bed beside me, laughing heavily. We both lay there laughing.

Skyler and Octavia (The 100) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora