Chapter 3

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Skyler's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping happily at the open window of the room I was in - it was the room I had fallen asleep in. Everything was a bit fussy at first but it began to blur into focus a few seconds later. I looked around the room for Octavia. She was nowhere to be seen. I began to panic a little bit.

I looked at my legs. I now had black jean-type trousers on. My right leg had white plaster around it and it was propped up on a soft white pillow. I also had a plain black tee shirt - that was far too big for me - on. I felt strange in these sky clothes, I was so used to my heavy armour that these clothes felt weightless on my body - I felt like an alien in them. I looked around the room for a second time - everything a lot more clear now.

Clarke was sitting in a chair near the bed I was laying in. She had her nose in a black leather-covered book. She turned a page of the old worn book and looked up at me. "Morning." She said. She smiled her kind smile, revealing her perfectly white teeth.

I returned the smile. "Morning, Clarke. Where's Octavia?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes.

"Octavia is still in bed. It's still early." Clarke said quietly. She put her bookmark in her book and made her way over to the bed.

"How long was I asleep?" I asked, yawning, still trying to wake up properly.

"Four days." Clarke said. She put her book down on the table beside my bed. "Octavia didn't want to leave your side but Raven and I had to practically force her go to bed last night. She hasn't slept for three days so she's exhausted and I suspect that she will sleep in today."

Suddenly there was a lot of noise and commotion coming from out side. Clarke and I exchanged a glance.

"I'll go see what's going on." Clarke said. "I'll be back soon." She left the room.

I heard Clarke yell. "Mom. Raven. Octavia. Lexa! Skyler is awake."

Clarke returned a few minutes later with Lexa by her side. Octavia and Raven - as fast as she could with her sore leg in her brace - followed them quickly. Clarke and Raven went over to the chairs in the corner of the room. I had no idea why Raven came in but I had learned from Octavia that she was a nosy person and couldn't resist some drama. Lexa and Octavia made their way over to the bed I was lying in.

"You look like a Sky Girl in those clothes. You'd fit right in if you went outside." Octavia giggled. She smiled, moving to the left side of the bed, leaving Lexa standing on my right.

I smiled at the comment, letting out a shy laugh. "I do, don't I?" I said in a joking manner. This gained a disapproving scowl from Lexa as she glared at Octavia, who had taken my left hand in her right one. I could hear a low growling noise coming from Lexa's throat - the noise she made when she was angry.

Although I totally supported Lexa and Clarke together, Lexa never seemed to support my relationship with anyone and that hurt more then anything.

Raven and Clarke watched Lexa, Octavia and I from the corner of the room. They whispered in each other's ears, giggling.

"But, Octavia, I would never feel like I belong here in Skaikru." I said turning my attention to Octavia. I smiled, staring up into her beautiful brown eyes.

"I know." Octavia said, staring down at me. She smiled back but I could see the sadness that formed in her eyes at my statement. She was a little disappointed.

"You do know where you belong, don't you, Skyler?" Lexa asked placing her hand gently on my shoulder. Her voice was soft and thick with emotion.

"Yes Lexa. I belong in Trikru at Ton DC with you and our people." I said shifting my position on the bed to face my older sister. "But I also know that I belong here in Skaikru with Octavia, but I will always be Trikru. No matter what I'm wearing, what I'm doing or where in the world I live. I will always by Trikru and no one is ever going to change that. Trikru is in here." I pointed to my heart.

Lexa looked shocked. She swallowed all the emotions she was feeling. "Well. I feel you have been spending too much time in Skaikru and you are loosing touch with your roots, we should go back to Ton DC, our healers can take care of you." Lexa said, removing her hand from my shoulder. Her voice going back to her commander tone.

I lay there confused, looking at my sister in shock. I didn't know what to say.

"Lexa." Clarke said, taking a step forward - coming out of the corner of the room where she and Raven had stood watching us. "I really think Skyler should stay here in Skaikru and get the best treatment possible. What if, on your travels home, she picks up a deadly disease. What would you do if that happened? What would you do if you lost her? Eh! It would kill you inside, I know it." She continued, becoming very serious and moving closer to Lexa.

Lexa looked even more shocked than before and I could tell by the change in Lexa's body language that Clarke had gotten under her skin and had pushed Lexa's buttons. "Yes but-" She was about to protest but she was cut off by Clarke, the only person I had ever met who was brave enough to actually argue with my sister, the big bad Commander of the Twelve Clans.

"Just until she is strong enough and feels ready to travel." She reasoned with Lexa. Placing her hand on Lexa's shoulder and turning Lexa around to face her.

"Fine." Lexa gave in. I could tell she wasn't in the mood to argue with Clarke. She pushed Clarke's hands off her shoulders and left the room without even glancing back at me.

"Thanks." Octavia said as Clarke picked up her old worn black leather-covered book from the table beside my bed and turned to run after Lexa.

"No problem." She said looking over her shoulder at Octavia and I. She smiled and ran from the room.

Raven hobbled over to the door. "Bye." She said before leaving the room.

"Bye." Octavia said before Raven disappeared. She sighed and looked down at me. "I love you." She mouthed.

"I love you too." I mouthed back. I smiled as she leaned down and connected our lips. I smiled into the kiss and moved my hands up to cup the back of her neck. She cupped my checks with her hands. It was a slow and gentle kiss - not rushed as if we were savouring every moment of it. It was full of emotions that we couldn't express through words. Octavia pulled away and leaned her forehead onto mine. Breathing heavily, we both opened our eyes at the same time, staring into each other's eyes, loosing track of time. Everything around us seemed to fade away and only Octavia and I were left, enjoying each other's company. This was the perfect moment.

Skyler and Octavia (The 100) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن