18. Honeymoon's Over

Start from the beginning

"Oh, Logan.......Elias, I think it may be too late for that" Shira says noticing logans ring finger

"What do you mean you foolish woman, Its never to late" Elias says

"Yes, it is too late for you to force the wedding on me. I can't marry the girl you want me to, I married the girl I love" Logan says

"What do you mean? Rory is 16 she can't legally get married without parents consent, and her mother would have never allowed her 16-year-old to be married after she refused to marry at 16" Elias says

"You know in Australia the legal age is 17, She's 2 months from 17, and we found a loophole to getting married, we didn't need permission from anyone but a judge," Logan says

"The only loophole is if she was pregnant.... She better not be, and if she is she's getting an abortion, and you're getting an annulment" Elias says

"No we aren't getting an annulment, and the status of my uterus is none of your business," Rory says

"You clearly didn't know there was a loophole with the arranged marriage if he married before he met the girl he was arranged to marry it made the contract null and void, no breach of contract no loss of money," Emma says

"How did you know that my lawyers made sure it was ironclad," Elias says

"That would be my doing, I faxed it off to a friend who had a judge, and their family lawyers look it over, and they told me the loophole. I'm sorry Elias, but I couldn't let you ruin my grandson's life, he deserves a marriage of love" Emma says

"If you ruined the merger between the families you will never see your inheritance Logan," Elias says as he storms off mad at his wife and grandson

"Don't worry Logan your inheritance is safe?" Emma says

"Logan how could you be so reckless, Did you at least confirm the pregnancy before you married her, how do you know she didn't just say that she was to make you marry her, and How could you get married without your family. It's going to look like a shotgun wedding" Shira says

"Mother Rory wouldn't and couldn't lie about being pregnant. She is not pregnant" Logan says

"Oh, and how are you sure she couldn't and wouldn't lie about being pregnant?" Shira asks

" Unlike your mother, we waited to have sex till after we married and we have been using precautions. No kids will be born before Rory is legal age to drink" Logan says

"Oh well, I suppose that could be a good way to know for sure," Shira says

"Mother I think you owe Rory a huge apology," Logan says

"Yes, I do. I'm sorry Rory, Its just all so sudden and shocking" Shira says

"Yes, it was shocking but not really sudden. Logan and I have been together for years" Rory says

"Mother we will be back later our bags are in my room, but we now have to go tell her family that we got married before grandfather tells them," Logan says

The Gilmore Estate

"Rory, Logan its good to see you, what do we owe this pleasure too," Emily asks

"We wanted you both to hear something from us," Rory says

~Emily see's Rory's ring finger and perks up~

"You're engaged, Are you pregnant Rory," Emily says cheerily

"Emily, Please let us speak before interrupting," Logan says

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