chapter eight; where broken souls go

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─────────── CHAPTER EIGHT


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"GOOD MORNING GORGEOUS" it was him, it was Dylan. He was actually there with me. I let out a small chuckle as I looked at him "hey baby why are you up so early."

He pecked my lips gently before placing a mug of coffee— cappuccino, just the way I like it then answered my question "my little baby was crying and I didn't want our baby to wake you up so I took him down here and gave him a bottle." Dylan smiled softly.

I then noticed a ring on my finger "we're married?" I asked "no." Dylan laughed and kissed my head softly before sitting down next to me "but soon we will be." He corrected. I guess it was all a dream after all. I wasn't a broken teen girl with daddy and mommy issues. I was a successful young woman living with my gorgeous healthy baby and fiancée in a mansion. "Mimi." Dylan said making me snap out of my thoughts "Mimi." The voice started to sound less and less like Dylan and more like—

"Mia freaking Bennett get your cute little ass up!" Leila, Ugh I sighed and groaned slowly lifting myself up into a sitting position as I rubbed my head that was for some reason killing me.

"Mmm what time is it?" I asked in a mutter "way to late for you to just be waking up." Came my best friends reply.

I looked around realizing I had fallen asleep on the floor instead of my bed. I slowly used all my strength— and the help of Leila's too to lift myself up and check the circular mirror hanging in front of one of the drawers.

Tear stains and a red face, just great I had spent the night crying. That's when it came back to me. The way he yelled, how his footsteps left my room, the sound of the door slamming shut after he not only rejected me but my child as well— no our child. Wether Mr. O'Brien liked it or not this child was not only mine but his as well. I hadn't slept with anyone other than him so it had to be his and he knew it.

"Do I have to go?" I asked turning away from the mirror to look at Leila with a pout on my face.

Leila frowned and walked towards me looking like she understood my pain which was good. God I'm so lucky to have such an understanding best— "yes you do." Scratch that Leila's an insensitive little bitch with no heart! Did she seriously not see what I went through yesterday. How I had cried myself to sleep on the cold hard wooden floor?

"Leila..." I whined but she just chuckled and pulled me to my closet, opening it and grabbing some light blue ripped skinny jeans with a cute white and skin tight, off the shoulder crop top to go along with it. She handed me the shirt and jeans before looking at my shoes

"hey don't steal any of them." I joked and headed to my bathroom to change and apply make up.

Foundation to hide the redness of my face after crying. Concealer to conceal all the tear stains from last night and to conceal the fact that I had barley slept. Then it was onto contour so I could change how I looked. I couldn't change the fact that I was pregnant or the way I felt about Dyl—Mr. O'Brien so why not just change the size of my nose instead. Highlighter to make me look happier then some color to my cheeks. Fix my brows the way I wanted to fix my heart then onto my eyes and eyelashes. I put on some lipstick and sighed looking in the mirror and barley even recognizing the girl I saw though that wasn't something new.

I didn't know who I was, never did. Maybe that's who I was just another lost girl not knowing where she belonged.

"Mimi!" Leila called and I sighed opening the bathroom door and walking out to her forcing a small smile on my light pink lips so that she could think I was okay.

"You look gorgeous." Leila complimented making me smirk

"I know." I said and looked at the heels she had picked out for me "mmmm..." I put them back and took out a nicer pair "better." I said

"Now lets go!" Leila dragged me outside of the hotel room making sure to close the door behind me as I forced out a small chuckle to hide the fact that I wanted to run back to the room and cry.


"Can't I just skip eng—" I asked for the millionth time as I made my way to Dylan's classroom and Leila let out a sigh

"No." The older girl replied for what was probably the millionth time

"Leila it's awk—" once again she didn't even let me continue my sentence before she just had to open her mouth and cut me off.

"No it won't be awkward, no you can't just ditch just this one time, yes one time matters, no you don't hate me, love you too bye." Leila knew me well and already knew what I wanted to say— wait bye— ow!

"I'm so sor—" I looked in front of me. I was in Dylan's class and there were already students sitting down at their desks. Dylan turned to look at me with no emotion on his face "it's alright Ms. Bennett." He sighed "now take a seat." He looked broken, just like me. But unlike me he deserved it.

Piece of shit asshole leaving me after I tell him I'm preg— "now Ms. Bennett." He said this time with a stern tone as he lightly glared at me.

I sighed and nodded walking over to an empty desk and sitting down, putting my things down in front of me as class began and Dylan started talking but I completely blanked out, not listening to a word that came out of his mouth.

"Now take out your laptops" I heard Dylan's instructions and snapped out of my thoughts, opening my laptop though I didn't really know why.

I went on google and sighed deciding to just scroll through some random tabs I previously had opened, one of witch was my mothers twitter—yes I twitter stalked my mother who abandoned me.

"So happy to have gotten a call back! Hope I get this role! LA is one of the best places, it mends broken souls and helps the lost find their dreams and follow them. LA the place of hope where broken souls go to be fixed" The tweet read. Wannabe actress bitch I fucking hate he— wait—

Helps the lost find their dreams and follow them. Mends broken souls. Then it hit me. That's where I wanted to go, Los Angeles. I had already gotten accepted to UCLA so it was honestly a no brainer.


"Leila!" I exclaimed as I ran out of class after class was over

"what?" She asked and looked at me with a raised brow.

"I'm moving to LA." I said with a smile on my face.

"Yeah you got into UCLA we know— honestly I thought you weren't going to college after finding out about the baby and I'm proud you still want to g—"

"Leila." I stopped her still wearing that goofy grin on my face "I didn't mean at the end of the school year." I told her leaving her confused. My grin grew wider before I opened my mouth to continue and explain what I meant "I'm moving now."

MR. O'BRIEN ▹ DYLAN O'BRIEN Where stories live. Discover now