chaper two; detention

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─────────── CHAPTER TWO

─────────── CHAPTER TWO

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THE SCHOOL DAY passed by very slow. Though it was a half day it felt more like a half year or-half decade. Every second felt like a minute and every minute like an hour.

Finally I heard the comforting ring of the bell and sighed in relief. I grabbed my stuff and went over to Leila, waiting for her to grab all of hers so we could walk back to our lockers together. "Today sucked" I mumbled

"Eh it wasn't so bad" came the reply of my best friend as we walked back towards our lockers our books and folders clutched against our chests.

We reached our lockers and I opened mine shoving everything inside before starting to pack "do you have any plans today like now?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Actually Tyler and I were going out for some coffee at this new café." Leila said

"Tyler?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Mr Hoechlin" just the confirmation I was waiting for.

"You disgust me, Conrad" I rolled my eyes and slammed my locker closed "well see you tomorrow" I said slinging my bag over my shoulder as I started to walk out of the school.

"Don't you have detention?" Leila asked making me stop in my tracks and spin back around.



I slowly opened the door of the English class before just as slowly walking in and placing my bag on an empty desk.

"Oh uh hey uh just leave your stuff anywhere." Mr. O'Brien told me finally taking notice that I was there.

"Look Mr. O'Brien I truly am sorry for what happened today and I really didn't mean it-I love English and writing is actually a hobby for me wether it's stories or poems or songs or—" He stopped me mid sentence with a chuckle.

"Mia" he said calling me by my first name. I hated it. Most teachers just called me Miss Bennett.

"I know" he continued after a small pause. I gave the older man a confused look. How did he know? "I uh read your writing from last year and it truly is outstanding" He told me

"How did you—" the chocolate eyed man once again proceeded to cut me off.

"Your last year English teacher. She asked me about how my first day was, I told her about your little antic, she knew it was you and then proceeded to tell me how much of a passionate student and writer you were. I have to say I really am impressed Miss Bennett." Mr O'Brien said.

A small smile formed on my lips as I slowly nodded "thank you, sir" I said

I walked back to the desk my bag was placed on big stopped once I heard his voice. "you have any work to do?"

"No, it's the first day and I've already finished everything in class." I replied not turning around to face him.

I was lying.

"Well since you have no work and making you write essays would be pointless how about we just talk? Get to know each other? I mean don't you think I deserve it after you gave me no information about yourself during the introduction time in class?" He chuckled

"Alright fine what do you wanna know?" I asked with a small sigh as I turned back to face him and walked over to his desk sitting on top of it.

Shockingly Mr. O'Brien sat next to me on the desk.

"Hmm..." He thought for a second before finally asking his question "what do you want to study next year?"

"Business" I quickly answered back "I have to take over my fathers company."

"No siblings?" He asked

"Nope just my dad and I." I told him "what about you?"

"I have an older sister, Julia" He told me "that must be fun" I said

"It is" he said

"So your dads company is that really what you want to do?" Mr. O'Brien asked me

I took a deep breath in before standing up

"Look I know what you're going to say but just listen it's not that nobody cares because they do. People do care about me. My dad cares about me. It's not that I'm on the wrong path because I know what I want and that's taking over my dads company. It's not that I'm broken or hurt or whatever you want to call it. Because I promise you I'm fine. It's not that I'm denial. I'm not." I rambled

"I wasn't going to say any of that but ok" Mr. O'Brien chuckled

"Oh- uh- sorry that's just what everyone tells me"I chuckled slightly embarrassed.

Mr. O'Brien gave me a light smile as he turned his attention to the clock "what do you say we cut detention off?" He suggested.

"That would be great, thanks" I said and we both nodded at each other before walking out of the classroom then school together.

A/n I forgot to mention Leila
is based off/is lilohale87 💞

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