chapter five; morning sickness

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─────────── CHAPTER FIVE


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    THE 'DATE' HAD gone well and Dylan and I started to hang out a lot more after that. The thing was though that it wasn't exactly as friends. 

"The coast is clear" I said walking into Dylan's classroom after making sure there were no students in the halls. Dylan was letting me skip class because I had to 'help him with something'.

"Okay good" Dylan said locking the door and pulling me away from the small square mirror that was on every classroom door. The brown haired man pushed me against the wall and started to trail kissed down my neck."I love you" he mumbled

I let a moan escape my lips as I mumbled "I love you too." This was a very normal thing now. See, after the date Dylan and I went back to my suite and well— yeah—. I still couldn't believe that day was four months ago.

"You're so hot babygirl" Dylan mumbled against my skin. We had become what many refer to as friends with benefits basically meaning we just had sex.

"You're hotte—" Then I felt something in my stomach and pulled away. My head hurt and I ran to the door trying to unlock it.

"Mimz?!" Dylan asked with worry in his voice. I sprinted to the bathroom and walked in rushing to the toilets and throwing up.

It was a casual thing that's been going on with me for a while now. I didn't know why but most mornings I'd feel extremely sick.

I cleaned myself up and ate a mint then walked back to Dylan's class. Class was almost over and he sighed "I have a class next so please just quickly tell me what's going on" he frowned wrapping his arms around my waist.

Usually I'd wrap my arms around his neck but I didn't feel like it. "Uh nothing I'm fine." I lied "I have to go" I said pulling away which made him frown. "See you, first break?" I asked

"Can't I have a meeting with a student." He said "just please mi—"

"Bye Dylan" I said and left the classroom.


"M!" Leila yelled as she saw me and pulled me into a hug "are you ok?" She asked noticing that I didn't feel well.

"Yeah uh I'm fine" I lied forcing a small smile onto my face. But Leila knew me too well. She knew the way I would lightly and subtly bite the middle of my bottom lip when I was lying and she knew the way that my eyebrows would lift a bit when I forced a smile.

"M..." Leila frowned "what going on?" She asked

"I-I don't know..." I stated honestly as tears came to my and I hugged my best friend tightly. "L..." I started "I-I've been feeling weird lately..." I sighed and pulled away holding my best friends hand and interlocking our fingers.

"I haven't gotten my period" I admitted

"Maybe it's la—"

"Leila..." I interrupted

"Yes...?" She asked hoping that this was some joke or that my period had just started and I wanted to tell her that I got a cramp. But deep down inside my friend knew. She knew that I haven't pmsed, which though I hated to admit it I was the queen of.  She knew how I haven't been crying for no reason lately like I would before my period and overall though her eyes showed that she hoped it wasn't true when you looked a bit closer into those big beautiful eyes you could tell that she knew the truth.

"Leila..." I sighed again as my voice cracked "I-I think I'm pregnant..." my voice was barley audible and tears ran down my eyes at a fast pace. "I think...I think that...I—"

"Shhh" Leila said and pulled me into her warm embrace "it's gonna be ok." She said and pulled me into Tyler's classroom.

"What's up?" Tyler asked and looked over at me "oh my god!" He said "Mimz, are you ok" he asked

"She's—shes pregnant" Leila said and tears ran down my eyes faster.

"What?!" Tyler asked as his eyes widened "who's the father? Do you know? Does he know? How long have you been pregnant?" He bombarded me with questions and Leila went over to him putting her index finger over his lip

"shh" Leila said then looked at me. It was obvious that she wanted answers and though I didn't want to give them I did.

"I think the fathers Dylan and no he doesn't know" I said

"Mr. O'Brien?!" Tyler yelled and groaned "that's illegal!" He said

"Oh and what you and Leila do isn't?!" I snapped.

"At least I didn't get her pregnant!" Tyler yelled and groaned "When are you going to tell him?" He asked.

"Too many questions" I said not wanting to answer this one.

"Just answer this one" Tyler said and Leila nodded in agreement with her boyfriend.

"That's the thing" I said with a sigh "I don't know if  I'm going to tell him"


I know this book moves too fast but it's only because I have way more plans for this! Thanks for reading and voting also if you're a fan of The Internship I published a Stuart Twombly fanfiction called 'ON THE LINE' if you wanna go check it out ☺️

— -mimistilinski

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