chapter one; new year, same me

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────────────── CHAPTER ONE

❝ NEW YEAR, SAME ME ❞ ▬▬▬▬

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I STEPPED OUT OF MY CAR, slamming the door behind me as I walked out of the school parking lot and into the grand building that was Miami High.

My strawberry blonde hair flew behind me and my black heels clicked as they hit the floor of the hallway as if warning the students I had just arrived.

I gave smiles to familiar faces and glares to some others. My teachers from last year watched and gave me a look of relief that they didn't have to deal with me anymore.

I finally arrived to my locker, unlocked it, and started to unpack all my stuff as I hummed quietly.

"Well well well if it isn't Mimi Bennett back with the designer shoes and the bitchy 'tude" A very familiar voice said and I looked back to give her a small smile.

"Nice rhyming, Leila but I thought your gross little teacher crush was a math teacher not an English one" I said with a sly smirk turning back to get my things for my first two classes.

"Haha really funny" Leila said as she playfully hit me. "I'm eighteen and very legal for your information" the older girl giggled "speaking of English. Did you hear the news?" She asked sounding excited and I rolled my eyes.

Yes, I heard the news. I was me. "Harris got scared to have me as a student and quit-"

"To have our grade as students" Leila corrected making me roll my eyes.

"Same thing" I mumbled receiving another playful slap from my best friend.

"No it's not!" Leila scolded "and I wasn't talking about that news" she giggled again.

I continued my humming and ignored her honestly not very interested but that didn't stop the hazel eyed girl from continuing her rambling.

"You know that new English teacher? Well apparently hes really cute-" I cut her off

"Or you just have a thing for teachers" I said and crossed my arms as I heard the bell go "well have fun at math, Conrad and tell Mr. Hoechlin I say hi" I slammed my locker shut leaving and walking to my English class as kids stopped hearing the thud of my locker staring at Leila who tried to lock it so nothing would be stolen.


"Class I would like to introduce your new English teacher, Mr. O'Brien" bombed our principal, Mr. Davis' voice through the pact classroom.

"Class I said this is your new teacher Mr. O'Brien" Mr Davis said again finally getting the attention of the twenty students.

"So all twenty one of these brats are here, I checked" twenty were paying attention I was not.

Mr. Davis smiled at the brown haired man standing at the front of the clad before leaving.

"I'm your new English teacher Mr. O'Brien" Leila was right he was cute.

"Now I'd like to go around and have you all introduce yourselves" his voice was calm, sweet and welcoming too bad I had to give him a hard time.

After a few students introduced themselves it was my turn.

"My names Mr. O'Brien I'm your new English teacher and an old ass prick" I joked causing the class to erupt in laughter.

"Now let me tr-" He tried to speak sounding less calm and welcoming then at first.

"But you already had your turn" I whined feeling even worse for doing this. I didn't want to. But I had a reputation.

Things couldn't go back to how they were. They weren't going to and I would make sure of that.

"Hm cute-" once again I cut the older man off

"Are you calling me cute?" I asked with a smirk and looked at his reaction.

His pale cheeks turned a small shade of pink. One only I was able to notice apparently since the rest of the class didn't comment about it.

"Thanks but I don't think that's illegal sir" My smirked grew slightly but quickly disappeared once I noticed that very light and barley noticeable shade of pink had left Mr. O'Brien's cheeks.

"You can think about wether it's legal or not in detention" Mr. O'Brien chuckled as he walked closer towards my desk.

He placed both arms on the desk and looked me dead in the eyes.

"And by the way I have a girlfriend" I don't know why but hearing that give me emotions-ones I couldn't explain. I was confused to why he was telling me this. To why he thought I would care. Why I did care?

"Alright" I shrugged

"Great I'll see you after school, it's a half day so that won't be in a long time" he said with a raised brow and a soft smile. I nodded but didn't return the smile instead a just tried not to frown.

For a moment we just gazed into each other's eyes. The classroom started to fade away and all I could think of was him and how his eyes gazed into mine and how mine gazed into his.

The moment was soon interrupted by an all to familiar ring.

I gasped a little making Mr. O'Brien chuckle. A blush crept onto my face as I took my stuff and then began the walk to my next class.

For once I think I actually liked a teacher.

MR. O'BRIEN ▹ DYLAN O'BRIEN Where stories live. Discover now