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I am not the girl who gets attention from her beauty

I am not the girl who looks perfect in one snap shot

I am not the girl with a perfect body

I am not the girl with the perfect smile

I am not the girl who gets a lot of followers because of my beauty

I am not the girl who gets commented on her beauty

I am not the girl who gets to be happy because of my beauty

im the girl who's uncomfortable in her own skin, who can't look people in the eye. who's afraid to go out because of her confidence & low self esteem. I am the girl who likes to hide herself from everyone.

i'm the girl who takes billions of pictures just to find the best looking one of herself

I'm the girl who has fat thighs and huge love handles

I'm the girl who cry's because I know I wil never get to look beautiful

i'm the girl who thinks of killing herself constantly but is to afraid to do so

i'm the girl who sits in her room sad, frustrated, angry and depressed because I know I will never amount to anything more than a piece of shit.

I am the ugly girl.

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