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"I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I couldn't follow the 'rules' of being a lady. I'm sorry that I fell in love with you before you could fall in love with me. I'm sorry that I didn't know how to play hard to get. I'm sorry that I wasn't mysterious enough.

I'm sorry that I was 'nice.' I'm sorry that I was 'kind,' that I was unable to playfully hit you. I'm sorry that I was too honest, that I didn't know how to keep secrets from you. I'm sorry that I was considerate. I'm sorry that I cared about your needs more than I did with mine. I'm sorry for the time when I adjusted my schedule just so I could come out and support you when you asked me to. I'm sorry that I didn't set many boundaries because I trusted you. I'm sorry that I love you as if I've never been hurt.

I'm sorry that I was sensitive. I'm sorry that I had to take a minute or two to digest your sarcasm. I'm sorry that I cared about you more than I should. I'm sorry that I cared to the point where I over-analyzed the details just so I knew how to not hurt you. I'm sorry that I wasn't strong enough to handle my emotions. I'm sorry that I was willing to take extra steps to love you like how I wished you could love me. I'm sorry that I was willing to face my fears for you.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I can't change. I'm sorry that I like being that way, even though it has brought me nothing but pain. "

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