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"Perhaps you're giving up

on life because it's bad luck

No one's there for you,

or so you have thought

You feel so lonely

No one there to be by your side

You feel so desperate

No one's there to help you

You think everyone hates you

But there are some

who appreciates you

You're giving up too easily

Someone out there

is counting on you

What choice do you have?

Letting someone down

or earning trust?

What do you think you're doing?

Beating yourself up

or finding some hope?

What do you want to be?

Someone trapped

or someone free?

You trip and fall

But you are able to get back up

You hurt yourself and cry

But you heal and the tears have dried

No matter what happens

Don't give up

You're halfway there

So hold onto it

Good things come and go

Bad things come and go

They're different and the same

When you're sad, you're not glad

When you're up, you're not down

Whoever you are, be happy about it

'Cause you need to know that

who you are is special

Life is hard, but don't dismiss it

You might just end up missing it"

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