Chapter Thirteen--Kyra

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Chapter Thirteen—Kyra

I wake up at dawn with a restless energy running through me. Today is the day I can finally move on, today is the day we’re leaving. I get up and make the bed before dashing over to the curtains and throwing them open. The sky is stained with pink, making me think of the old saying Red sky at night, sailors delight. Red sky in morning, sailors take warning. The weather shall not put me off though.

A knock on my door grabs my attention. I open it and see Trace. He gives me a tiny smile before speaking, “Today’s the big day. I already woke everyone, they’re just getting ready. I thought I’d recommend having a nice shower before you take off. Who knows when you might have another one, right?”

“Um...okay...” I agree, thrown off by his drastic mood change.

“Great. I’ll just check the supplies one last time.” With that, he turns and makes his way down the hall and descends the stair, whistling away to himself. 

I shake my head in bewilderment, but take his advice. The hot water is amazing. After months of using cold or dirty water to try to clean yourself, this feels heavenly. I close my eyes and turn my face up, letting the water cascade down my face. This I am definitely going to miss. 

I somewhat regretfully turn off the water. I take my time drying myself off and dressing in warm clothes. Today is going to be a cold one. I use one of the fuzzy towel to dry my hair as best as I can and then I triple check all of my stuff, making sure I’m not forgetting anything. I retrieve the diary from its hiding spot and shove it into the middle of my bag, away from prying eyes. Just as I am about to join the others, my eye catches the rack of fluffy towels. There’s still some room in my pack. I take it off and shove three of them inside then strain to close the zipper.

I place my hand on the bedroom doorknob, prepared to leave. I can’t help but take one last glace around the luxurious golden bedroom. It was nice while it lasted, but now we have to go. I have to go.

Journal of the SurvivorsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora