Entry #4

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June 13th 2022, Later

Entry #4

Sarah Jean Foster started it all. She lay perfectly still and silent in her bed. If you hadn’t seen what happened to her earlier and if you didn’t notice the blood, you would have thought she was sleeping. The next day, the original five scientists came in to examine her. They whispered among themselves as they approached Sarah Jean, and I guess that’s what tipped her off. Her eyes opened. They were once lovely and guiltless but now they were almost entirely black as if the pupil had engulfed the iris of the eye. The scientists jumped back as Sarah sprang forward. Her square teeth flashed a gruesome smile before easily ripped into the flesh of the first scientist. He hollered as she tore into him. Sarah, if you haven’t already inferred for yourself, was a runner. Sarah’s eyes closed in pleasure as she quickly finished her first meal. When she opened them again, the irises had become blood red, which I soon figured out symbolized that the zombie had had its first meal. She easily bit into the other scientists, eating a second and Turning the other three. For a while they just screamed out in agony as Sarah watched over them, fascinated by her own work, but then they started convulsing like Sarah had done.

            And that is how it all started. The rest of the hospital patients Turned and they attacked the staff. Soon, the video camera was destroyed by the shuffling monsters and all information on what was happening to the “survivors” was cut off. Or so we thought. There were a few cancer survivors who had been discharged. They Turned as well and wreaked havoc on their communities. You see, the undead are rather hard to kill. It took me awhile to figure out that one of the only sure ways to kill them is to burn them.

            The smell is putrid, but it has to be done. I, for one, am not going to give up. I am going to continue to survive, no matter what I have to do.

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