Entry #8

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June 16th 2022

Entry #8

We’re now staying in the strangest safe house we have ever been in. We’re at a mansion in the middle of nowhere. Oh, yea, I forgot to mention that it belongs to this ass named Trace. Granted, he has saved our lives more than once, has fed us, clothed us, and is housing us, but he is the rudest, most annoying person I have ever met. I swear the guy is bipolar, he snaps at any time. It’s troublesome. He could go off on us at any minute, that much I have personally witnessed and experienced. He’s unstable and I will have to keep a close eye on him. Another note, he uses swords. Come on, seriously, who fights with swords? He is risking his life every time he is in battle, he must get up close and personal with the undead to exterminate them. He either has a death wish or is immensely stupid. I’m leaning towards the latter.

We shall not be staying long, that much I can guarantee. We will be on our way, and hopefully he will give us supplies since we lost ours in a fight early today.

There’s something else I’d like to mention. Today, we lost one of our team members. Bailey was bitten and killed before she could Turn. We’re all taking it rough. Jackie is trying to be strong, but you can tell that it is taking a toll on her spirit and motivation. I know how she feels, but I am of no help. I have shoved all of my feelings away and I can’t let them resurface, else I will be weak. My emotions have been showing every now and then, my shield has cracks, but I can’t let that happen anymore. I must stay strong, for my dad, my mother, my sister, my friends, Sebastian, and Bailey. I must survive.

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