Chapter 11 Home

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A/N: Trigger warning: Chapter contains abuse of a minor. 
Just a couple more chapters left of this one. 

  Sam was in her room putting her things in her bag. Her and Will would be going home tomorrow and if she was being honest she was tempted to try and leave town again, but she couldn't leave Will. Not with him.
"Not planning a disappearing act, again I hope." Liam said walking in the room.
"No.. not really." Sam shrugged and sat down. "Just like to be prepared."
Liam sat down next to her.
"Look, if you don't want to go. Say the word I will do what I can." Liam said. "You and Will are always welcome here."
Sam sighed and nodded.
"And..I appreciate that I do. I just don't want to start a legal war. Will is 18 he can do whatever he pleases if things go wrong. But me.. I don't want to end up in the system and there is no guarantee that the court would let me stay here. Will and I have always stuck together through this and I don't want that to change. We will figure it out. We always do." Sam said softly. She would love to just stay here but she knew the trouble it would cause.
Liam sighed. "Are you sure?"
Sam nodded.
"Yeah. Don't worry Liam it will work out." She said giving him a not so convincing smile.

"Killian, I'm trying to study." Sam said in a half serious tone, the other half of her was trying not to giggle as he kissed up and down her neck.
"Its only a math test Sammi." Killian whispered. "Besides after tonight we won't get to do this as much."
"I know." Sam replied and closed her math book and set it aside. "Sneaking you in the house is going to be difficult with my dad there.. And he doesn't really let me out when he's home." She sighed.
"Hey. I'll get you out of there, don't worry about it. Seriously though Sammi why not just stay with us?"
"It's hard for you to understand why I can't. I know it is I just don't want to end up seperated from Will. "It will be fine, its not like he stays long.." Sam shrugged.
Killian sighed.
"Okay.." He hesitantly agreed.
"Now, are we going to keep talking.. Or are you going to kiss me?" Sam grinned.


It had been a long day at school, Sam was positive she had bombed that math test that she was studying for last night. She had also been unable to sleep so she was exhausted and looked like the living dead when Will picked her up from school. She got in the car.
"You been home yet?" She asked.
"No.. but his car was there when I drove by." Will said.
"Any chance I can talk you into selling our stuff and moving to mexico?"
"We'll be okay Sam." Will tried his best to reassure her. "You eat today?"
"No I couldn't, my stomach is in bloody knots. I'm starving now though." She sighed.
Will opened the console and handed her a sandwich wrapped in plastic wrap. "Figured as much." He winked.
Sam smiled and opened the sandwich.
"Thanks." She said before taking a bite.

As they got onto the street, and Sam could see her father's car in the driveway she felt like she would throw up. Will seemed to drive slower but when they finally got to the house, they sat in the car in silence for a little bit.
"What if he's drunk?" Sam asked.
"Then you go into your room and I will deal with it."
"But Will wha-"
"I will deal with it Sam. Come on, let's go." He said and got out of the car. Sam got out of the car and followed him up to the porch and inside.
When they got inside it was quiet except for the TV, which was playing a cartoon Sam looked down at the little girl sitting in front of the tv.
"Uh. Will.." She whispered and nodded in the girls direction. "Who is that?"
"Good bloody question." Will said cocking his head to the side. It smelled like someone was cooking in the kitchen which was odd, Will or Sam used to be the ones to do the cooking. Sam gripped Will's elbow as their father stepped out of the kitchen.
"Hey guys." He said with a smile and stepped forward. Will instinctively stepped in front of Sam.
"What game are you playing, and who is that?" He asked pointing to the girl.
"I'm not playing a game Will. I've changed. I'm better." He said. Sam cringed, she'd heard that before. "Penelope, come say hi to your brother and sister." He said the little girl got up and walked over.
"Hi." She said softly.
"Brother and sister?" Sam questioned. Her parents had been gone for a few years this round, and now she knew why.
"Where is mum?" Sam asked. Her father's expression darkened.
"We won't discuss your mother." He said.
"Okay.." Sam said quietly.
"Now, come on, I've made Dinner, Sam you can do your homework when you are done eating. Oh. and I hope you don't mind but I gave Penelope your room, until we can get a bigger place."
"Of course I mind!" Sam said. "Its my room!"
"Sam.." Will said quietly.
"Where am I supposed to sleep?" Sam asked.
"You can take the couch, it won't be for long Sammi." her father said.
"Sure." Sam mumbled and put her bag down in front of the couch and started walking off.
"Hey!" her dad growled and grabbed her arm. "Don't walk away. Go set the table." He said and pushed her towards the kitchen.
Oh, yeah you've changed so much. Sam thought.

After dinner Sam sat at the table working on her homework. Her father sat next to her and she tried to ignore him and focus.
"So what have you been up to?" He asked and sipped at his beer.
"This." Sam muttered gesturing to her homework.
"That's all you've done for three years?" he asked.
"Well, kind of.." Sam shrugged.
"Come on Sammi, i'm trying here. When your mum left me with Penelope, I wanted to be a better person, for her, and you and Will. give me the benefit of the doubt?" He asked and rested his hand on her knee. Sam cringed and moved her leg away from his hand.
"Yeah..Okay. I will." She nodded.
"What about a boyfriend? You got one of those yet?" He asked.
Sam shook her head. She didn't want to tell him about Killian.
"Good girl." He smirked.


The first few nights with their father back were quiet. Very little outbursts from her father but Sam knew it was just the calm before the storm. She had gotten to know Penelope a little more and the kid wasn't so bad she even offered to give Sam her room back but Sam let her keep it.
Sam was making dinner, as their father said he was working late, Sam didn't even realize he had a job.
Will knew better. Everytime he left Will with Sam when they were younger because he was working late, he was really at the bar.
"Hey, let me take over, you study for your history test." Will said.
"Okay." Sam said and switched places with him. "Hey do you think, I could invite Killian over? Dad said he was working late.."
"I wouldn't, there's no telling when he will be home and you don't want him walking in on that. Maybe we can go over this weekend?" Will suggested.
"Yeah." Sam nodded. She had seen Killian at school, but she missed hanging out with him and she had to be careful with texting or calling him when her dad was home.
Penelope skipped into the kitchen.
"Is it ready?" She asked Will.
"Almost." Will smiled at her.
"Okay." She replied and ran back out of the kitchen.
"What do you think of our surprise sister?" Sam asked.
"She isn't so bad, You were a surprise too you know."
"Well let's hope next time he leaves he doesn't bring another one." Sam smirked.


Sam blinked her eyes open as the front door opened and shut. She sat up on the couch and looked at her father staggering in the house. Her heartbeat quickened and she laid back down hoping he didn't see her. He was horrible when he was drunk.
"No use faking, I know you're awake." He slurred. Sam sighed and sat up.
"Why don't you sleep here and I'll take your room?"
"No, just stay with me." He said and plopped down on the couch.
"I have a test tomorrow, Dad I need to sleep.." Sam said.
"So sleep." He shrugged and pulled her down so her head was in his lap.
"No.. Dad I'll just sleep in your room its fine." She said and went to get up but he pulled her back down by her hair.
"I said sleep."
"Okay.." she whimpered and tried to hold back her tears. He ran his hand through her hair.
"Shh. its okay." He said. "Your hair is so soft." He mumbled. "Its pretty, you look so much like your mother Sammi." he whispered and ran his hand down her shoulder. Sam's eyes widened with fear she had to get away from him. She went to sit up again but he pulled her back down.
"Quit." He hissed. Sam lashed around on the couch as his hand ran up her thigh. She went to scream but he put his hand over her mouth.
"Shut your fucking mouth." He snapped.

Sam laid awake with her head still in his lap until she heard him snoring. She quietly sat up and crept into Penelope's room and scooped her up.
"Sammi?" She asked.
"Shh.. its okay." She said and carried her out of the room and down the hall into Wills room. Once she got in there she shut the door and locked it, like she used to do when they were kids. She put Penelope next to Will. who woke up and looked at her.
"Shh.." Sam said and put her finger to her lips. He nodded and pulled Penelope close and she snuggled into him going back to sleep. Sam sat down on the floor next to the bed silently crying and not taking her eyes off of the door for the rest of the night.

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