Chapter 3 Charm

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"I know you aren't happy about this Sam but it won't be for long after a couple of paychecks I'll get our electric turned back on." Will said and put his hand on his sisters shoulder.
"So are you just giving up on school?" Sam asked. Will sighed.
"I really don't have a choice. Someone has to pay the bills and while I am at work, Liam is really the only one I trust to look after you."
"Again, Will.. I'm 16. I don't need a babysitter." Sam groaned in protest. "Can I at least stay with Lacey, or Gina on weekends so I don't have to stay in a house full of men 24/7?"
"Regina, sure. Lacey?.. maybe not. Last time the two of you were together almost ended in you being arrested." Will smirked.
"So? You've been arrested plenty of times." Sam shrugged.
"But you are better than that. Come on let's go in. Killian just got here."
Sam tried to hide the eye roll and disgruntled groan as she got out of the car. Her and Will met Killian on the porch.
"Sam." Killian smiled. Sam gave him a less than amused look before walking into the house.
"Sorry mate, I don't know what her deal is today." Will shrugged.
"It's fine. She's probably just pissed she has to stay here for a while" Killian said. "Don't worry about it."
"Hey Sammi!" Liam smiled as he greeted her at the door.
"Hey." Sam replied quietly trying to avoid looking at him. She knew he was looking at her with sympathetic eyes and she hated it. Poor Samantha, her parents up and abandoned her again. This wasn't the first this had happened and it wouldn't be the last. The first time it happened Sam was only 8 and it was fun and exciting to her, she didn't know any better. This time everything was different. She wasn't 8, she was 16, Killian was more to her than just her brothers best friend. She had feelings for Killian now and he had stepped all over them.
"Where are the boys?" Liam asked.
"On the porch still." Sam replied."I'm going to start my homework."
"Okay, I'll leave you to it. The kitchen is all yours help yourself if you are hungry." He smiled.
"Thanks Liam.." Sam said and walked past him into the kitchen.
"Sammi, I know this isn't ideal but there's no way you and your brother are staying in a cold dark house You guys are like family." Liam said.
"I know Liam, I don't mean to be so..I don't know." Sam sighed.
"Angry?" Liam asked. "It's okay to be angry, just don't do what Killian does when he's pissed off. Focus your anger into something useful."
"Oh you mean don't fuck everything that walks?" Sam grumbled.
"Whoa where did that come from?" Liam asked.
"Nothing, I'm sorry.. I'm just moody today. I'm going to focus my anger into something useful." She sighed and walked to the table.
"Like what?" Liam asked.
"Geometry." Sam replied and put her backpack on the table. Liam chuckled and walked out of the kitchen to set up the tv for the game.

"Sam take a break and eat with us." Will called from the living room where the guys had just started watching a game on tv Sam got up from the table and made a sandwich out of the stuff left out on the counter and walked to the living room sitting down between her brother and Killian. She watched the tv, trying her best to ignore Killian.
"I didn't think you were much for sports." Killian muttered.
"Clearly, there are plenty of things you don't know about me Killian." Sam shrugged keeping her eyes on the tv.
"I thought you were inviting Emma." Liam said to Killian.
"Yeah, where is Emma?" Sam asked with bitterness. Killian rolled his eyes. "Emma and I are done, I told her to fuck off."
"Well, that didn't last long." Liam sighed.
"It never does.." Sam mumbled. She felt Killian's eyes burning holes into the back of her head.
"You know, I haven't shown Sammi where her room is." Killian said. "Let me show you." He said standing up and pulling Sam off the couch. "Killian I'm eating."
"So take it with you." Killian grumbled and dragged her down the hallway into the guestroom
"What the hell Sam?" He asked. "What?" Sam asked.
"You bloody know what!" Killian hissed. "Why are you being like this?" "Because you asked me if I wanted to be with you and not 6 hours after, you were basically dry humping Emma in the hallway." Sam glared. "I needed time to think. But you made my decision so much easier."
"I Told you Sam I'm working on it. You are blowing it way out of proportion." "No I'm not. you just aren't used to someone calling you out on your shit." Killian sighed. "Am I right?" Sam asked.
"Yeah." Killian replied.
"Everything okay down here?" Liam asked.
"Yeah everything is fine. I'm going back to the kitchen to finish my homework." Sam said and walked past the two of them. Liam sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"What have you done to Sam?" He asked.
"I haven't done anything to Sam, Liam." Killian said defensively.
"Yeah? I'd believe that if she didn't look at you like she wanted to throttle you, So what did you do?" Liam asked again.
"I asked if she wanted to be my girlfriend and she needed time to think and then after school she saw me with Emma." Killian shrugged. "Christ..Killian, first off that's Wills little sister and you are going to destroy a lifetime friendship. Second, you can't just keep going from girl to girl."
"I Know, I don't want to anymore. I want Sam, Liam. I want to do better for her, I'm just struggling. I told Emma I was done. You know..for good and now Sam doesn't want anything to do with me." Killian sighed.
"I can't honestly say I blame the lass." Liam said and crossed his arms. "Thanks." Killian scoffed.
"Is she really worth your friendship with Will?" Liam asked.
"I don't think it's going to ruin my friendship with Will I just have to talk to him, but not yet and if it does ruin it, then yes I'd say she's worth it." Killian replied.
"I've never felt this way." Liam smiled. "So you really do like her then?" He asked teasingly.
"Wittle brother has a crush?"
"Shut up!" Killian barked and punched Liam's shoulder. Liam laughed
"Relax I was messing with you." "What do I do from here Liam? How do I get her to give me a shot?" Killian asked.
"Just tell her how you feel. Make it clear that you want her, and only her. Use some of that Jones charm, girls love it." Liam smirked.
"They do don't they?" Killian grinned. "If you are sincere she will know. Then the rest it up to her. Give her some time to cool off first." Liam suggested. "Good luck brother." Liam said and pat his brother on the shoulder walking away.

Sam was working on her social studies homework when an unopened beer can was shoved across the table at her. She raised an eyebrow and looked up at Killian.
"A peace offering." He said.
"I don't think beer, and social studies go well together. No thank you." Sam said and pushed the beer back to him. "Come on Sammi, I'm trying here."
"A half assed apology, and a beer. Look at you go." Sam muttered.
"Swan doesn't mean anything to me." Killian said and sat down across from her.
"That's supposed to make it better? Because it doesn't." Sam said.
"What do I have to do, to get another chance?" Killian asked.
"I'm not interested in being the flavor of the week Killian. I know how you operate."
"I don't want it to be that way with you Sammi. I really do like you."
"Or you see me as a challenge." Sam said and rolled her eyes.
"Well, that too but I know you aren't a one and done type of girl."
"Killian I don't even know what type of girl I am. I've never been kissed let alone done half of the things the girls at school let you do to them." Sam sighed and shut her social studies book, clearly that was not getting done tonight.
"You have to been kissed. There is no way you haven't been." Killian smirked.
"Nope. Never." Sam shrugged.
"Seriously? Never?" Killian asked and scoot his chair around the table to her.
"Killian what are you doing?" Sam asked.
"I know you are pissed. And you probably think that I can't change, but I want to Sam, for you. Let me show you that I can." Killian pleaded.
"I don't know Killian. I've seen the way you use your tricks to get girls to fall for the same lines over and over again. How can I trust you aren't doing the same damn thing to me? I'm not like those girls you are used to. I won't be easy and it's a matter of time before you run back into the arms of Emma because I don't give you what you want."
"I don't want easy Sam. I'm tired of it." "I don't want to be your next project because you are bored." Sam said and looked down. Killian tilted her chin so she was looking at him. "I don't expect you to be like all the other girls. I expect you to be better than them I want you to show me what I've been missing out on. I'm tired of the meaningless sex. I just want someone to call mine and someone to call me theirs, Sammi and I want that someone to be you and I don't care how bloody long you make me wait. I will wait it because you are worth it." Sam was blown away. His blue eyes were showing something they had never shown before, sincerity. He meant every word he was saying. "Killian. I.. don'-" Killian moved in and in one swift move he captured her lips with his. It wasn't what Sam expected her first kiss to be like.It wasn't like it was in all the movies, or books she had read, there were no fireworks,even though she swore her heart was about to burst like one. It was much better than all of that, It was raw, full of emotion, she felt every ounce of pain that he held onto and she wanted take it all away, She needed to take it all away. His lips were soft, and she could taste cigarette smoke on his breath, and the spearmint gum that he was using to try to hide it from Liam. His hand came up to rest on the back of her head deepening the kiss. Sam felt a hot tear slide down her cheek before she could stop it. Killian broke away from the kiss and thumbed a second tear from her eye before it fell.
"When I win your heart Samantha, and I will win it. It won't be because I was bored, It won't be because of any trickery, it will be because you want me." He smiled. It wasn't his typical, I'm getting laid smirk, it was a smile an actual genuine smile which was rare for him.
"Killian! You're missing the bloody game!" Robin hollered from the living room.
"Aye! I'm coming!" Killian said and stood up. He took Sam's hand in his for a moment before letting it flop back into her lap as if it was made out of jello. He walked towards the living room and looked back over his shoulder at her for just a second before walking into the living room. Sam lifted a shaking hand to her lips and brushed her finger over them, and that was how Killian Jones. unlocked the walls over her heart and left with the damn key.   

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