Chapter 5 Spin

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  If someone had told Sam, a week ago that she would be making out with Killian Jones on his couch instead of working on her homework, she would have laughed in their face. Yet here she was in liplock fest with her brothers best friend. She pulled away to breath for a second.
"So you were saying something about geometry?" Killian smirked.
"To hell with Geometry." Sam mumbled and pulled Killian back to her lips until she heard a car pull into the driveway. Her eyes widened and she pushed Killian off of her.
"What the hell?" Killian asked.
"Will is here!" Sam hissed. "Go you have lipstick all over your face."
"My face? You should see yours love." Killian winked.
"Just go!" Sam said and dug into her backpack for her make up mirror as Killian walked off.
She looked at her face.
"Bloody hell.." She sighed and tried to hurry and clean the smeared lipstick from her face as Will walked in the house.
"Since when do you get all pretty to do homework?" Will asked.
"I'm not. I'm taking the make-up off." Sam shrugged.
"Oh. Well.. you missed a spot." Will said and walked over and wiped the pink lipstick off her cheek with his thumb. "Honestly Sam how did you get it all the way up there?"
"It smears when I try to take it off." Sam said hoping like hell her brother would buy it.
"Right. How was school?" Will asked.
"It was fine. School was fine. How was work?"
"Miserable. But at this rate we will get the electric back on at our place in two weeks. Its good money."
"Is it legal?" Sam asked.
"Of course it's Legal." Will said and rolled his eyes.
"So.. Lacey is having a party this weekend." Sam said.
"No." Will said
"Oh come on! You went to tons of parties last year." Sam argued. "Its just a party and you know I have my head on my shoulders. I won't get into trouble. I promise. Everyone is going to be there."
"Since when do you care what everyone is going to be doing? No. I can't be there to make sure you stay out of trouble."
"I'll be there." Killian shrugged as he walked into the room. "I'll keep her out of trouble."
"See and Robin will be there too! Not that I need a damn babysitter..but please? At least I'm asking you first instead of just sneaking out and going." Sam said.
"She's got a point mate." Killian said.
"Fine. you can go. I'm going to go pick up some dinner from Granny's finish your homework."
"Yes Dad." Sam scoffed and rolled her eyes.
"If you want me to be dad I can slap you around and then tell you to do your homework." Will said.
Sam frowned.
"Sorry.. I didn't mean it."
"I know." Will sighed. "I'll be right back."
"Don't worry Scarlet, I'll keep her in line." Killian winked as Will left.
"Keep me in line?" Sam asked. "As if you could."
"Watch it missy, I'm in charge." Killian grinned. Sam punched his shoulder.
"Shut up!" She laughed.
"Ow." Killian said and rubbed his shoulder.
"Wuss." Sam said.
"Oh? Really?" Killian asked with a sly smile on his face before he tackled Sam to the floor.
"Hey!" Sam whined and giggled as Killian attacked her with tickles.
"Now whos the wuss?" Killian asked.
"That would still be you." Sam grinned and flipped him onto his back pinning him down.
"Hah." She said.
"Not so fast." Killian and flipped her back over and pinned her wrists above her head.
"Now what?" He grinned and leaned in kissing her and then pulled away.
"Now, we do more of that." Sam smiled.
"As you wish." Killian smirked and kissed her again and before long they were rolling around on the living room floor making out again. Sam had to admit, while she was still worried about Killian going back to his old ways, he was like a drug that she couldn't get enough of and there was something especially exciting about sneaking around with him behind Will's back.
The front door opened.
"Honestly, If you two are going to do that, could you not do it in the middle of my living room?" Liam asked. Sam's face turned crimson as she looked up at Liam and pushed Killian off of her and sat up straightening her clothes.
"Uh.." She said.
"Look, I've got no problem with the two of you.. And whatever this is, but if you want to keep it from Will, you're going to have to be more careful than that." Liam said and walked into the kitchen.
"So... homework?" Sam asked and stood up walking back to the couch. Killian plopped down next to her.
"So.. what Will said.. About your Dad.." He said.
"This Geometry is a bitch.." Sam sighed trying to avoid the question.
"Sammi.." Killian said. Sam looked up at him.
"I don't want to talk about it Killian..Okay?"
"Okay..just if you ever do.."
"I won't." Sam snapped and looked back down at her homework.


Lacey's house was loud, and full of teenagers and possibly a few college kids. Everyone was drinking except Sam. Lacey walked over.
"Come on, we're going to play spin the bottle." She grinned.
"Spin the bottle? Don't you think that game should have stayed in middle school?" Sam asked.
"Why? What other game do you play where you get to make out with random people?" Lacey asked and then smirked. "Killian is playing." She said and took Sam's hand and lead her into the living room. Sam looked at Killian.
"Really you are playing?" Sam asked and crossed her arms.
"Its just a game Sammi." Killian sighed.
"Yeah, Sammi, you can handle a game can't you?" Emma asked as she sat down in the circle. Sam bit back her rage.
"Fine. I'll play." She said and took Killian's drink from him and downed it and tried to hide the shock on her face as it burned all the way down.
"Not a fan of Rum?" Killian asked and winked at her. Sam glared at him. She did not like tipsy Killian one bit. She sat down on the floor.
"Who goes first?" Lacey asked.
"I'll go." Emma smiled.
"I'm sure you will." Sam muttered as Emma spun the bottle. She cringed waiting for it to land and then sighed in relief when it landed on Graham instead of Killian.
"Its your lucky day Humbert." Emma smirked and crawled across the floor at him. Sam rolled her eyes. Who invented this stupid game?
"My turn." Killian smirked and spun the bottle before Emma was even back in her spot. The bottle landed on Lacey who was sitting right next to Sam. Lacey tapped the bottle with her foot so it pointed at Sam.
"Ooops." She shrugged. Killian grinned and scooted over to Sam and before she was even ready for it, he planted his lips on hers taking her breath away. Killian slid his tongue across her bottom lip. Sam parted her lips and his tongue was dancing around hers. Sam pulled away breathlessly her brown eyes were almost black. She always thought she had a pretty good sense of control but if they kept doing that there would be no stopping her and she wasn't ready to go that far. Not yet.
"Come on Sam, give it a spin." Lacey winked. Sam shook her head as Killian took his spot and winked at her.
"No.. I'm good. You go."
"Suit yourself." Lacey shrugged and spun the bottle.

The game went on for a while, and Sam had managed to skip her turn every time, and as luck would have it, the bottle didn't land on her, or Killian at all. Until.
Emma spun the bottle again and Sam's heart dropped into her gut as it landed on Killian. Emma raised her eyebrow at Sam challengingly before she made her way across the floor to Killian, and she couldn't just peck him on the lips and get it over with, no she had to make a whole damn show about it and Killian wasn't even resisting and Sam could have sworn he was enjoying it but with the loud music and party lights it was difficult to tell for sure either way she was pissed. Emma pulled away finally and strolled back to her spot.
"Fuck it. I'm playing." Sam muttered and spun the bottle. The bottle landed on Neal, who was Emma's ex boyfriend. Emma glared at Sam.
"Whats the matter Em?" Sam mocked and crawled over to Neal. Killian caught her arm on the way.
"Don't." He said.
Sam pulled her arm away from him and glared before planting her lips on Neal's giving it all she had. Killian growled and stood up walking away from the game.Sam pulled away from Neal who looked completely shocked.
"I..didn't think the quiet girl had it in her..but damn." He said.
"That was a one time thing Cassidy.." Sam mumbled and stood up and walked after Killian.

"What? You can make out with Emma in front of me but the second I make out with someone else its bad?" Sam asked.
"You say you aren't like the other girls Sam but you are!" Killian shouted as he faced her.
"I am not! I only did it because you did! So don't tell me I am like the other girls, You told me you were changing and I almost believed you!" Sam spat.
"I told her to stop!" Killian yelled.
"What?" Sam asked.
"I told her to stop but she wouldn't! I know its loud, and its hard to see but I told her I didn't want her to and what the fuck am I supposed to do Sam shove her? I didn't want to hurt her I just wanted her to stop!" He said with tears in his eyes. "And then you.. I wanted you to stop but you didn't."
"Killian.." Sam said softly. "I didn't know.. From where I was it looked like you liked it." She said.
"Well I didn't!" He yelled.
"I'm sorry..I'm so sorry Killian.. Please." Sam said and stepped forward.
"No! Just.. give me some space." Killian spat and walked outside.

Sam looked back towards the Spin the bottle circle at Emma she started walking that way. When Regina stopped her.
"Whoaa. I don't like that look." She said.
"Let me go Gina." Sam said and pulled away. Emma stood up.
"What do you want?" She asked.
"You are such a fucking bitch." Sam spat and shoved her. Emma shoved her back. Sam growled and lunged knocking Emma to the ground punching and clawing at her face.
"Robin A little help here!" Regina yelled as she tried to pull Sam off of Emma with no luck.
"Oh shit." Robin said and dropped his drink and hurried over and wrapped his arms around Sam pulling her kicking and screaming off of a bloodied Emma.
"What a psycho!" Emma yelled as she sat up and went forward but Lacey and Regina stood in her way.
"I don't think so." Lacey said.

"Lets go get some air Sammi." Robin said as he practically carried the enraged Sam outside.
"Breathe." Robin said as the cold air hit them both in the face.
Sam sat down on the porch trying to breathe and trying to calm down. Killian walked over.
"What the fuck happened??" He asked.
"Sammi got ahold of a swan." Robin sighed. Killian looked down at Sam's bloody knuckles.
"Shit.. Will is going to kill me. Go inside and get something to clean her up with yea?" Killian asked. Robin nodded and walked inside Killian sat down next to Sam.
"Feeling punchy still?" He asked.
Sam shook her head. Killian looked at the blood on Sam's shirt.
"Christ you kill her or something?" He asked.
"No. I wanted to.. After what she did. I'm so so sorry Killian. I let my jealousy get the best of me, and if it makes you feel any better Neal is a horrible kisser."
Killian laughed.
"Gotta admit, it makes me feel a bit better.. I'm good now I went for a walk and cleared my head. I shouldn't have agreed to play in the first place." Killian sighed. "I'm sorry.
"Me too." Sam said and leaned against his shoulder.
"You didn't have to kick the shit out of Emma though." Killian said.
"Yeah, well, you didn't want to hurt her. So.. I did it for you. I'm incredibly protective of what I love. I get it from Will." Sam shrugged.
"You love me?" Killian asked. Sam looked at him realizing what she had just said and there was no avoiding it, or taking it back.
"I have Killian.. For years.." She sighed and looked away. Killian tilted her chin so she was looking at him
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because I didn't think you even looked at me." Sam shrugged.
Killian smiled.
"Not looking at you back then is something I will learn to regret for possibly the rest of my life. It would have saved me a hell of a lot of trouble."
He leaned in and kissed Sam.
"I love you too Sammi." He said as he pulled away. Sam pressed her forehead to his. No matter what happened in the next few days, She was his and now that she had him she wasn't letting go for the world.   

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