Chapter 1 Crush

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Samantha Scarlet sat in her living room while working on her homework. She was home alone so it was quiet, her parents were gone for the next week, however they said every week when they called to check in that it would be another week before they came home which was usual for them. Sam was used to them not being around from a very young age her older brother Will who was only two years older than her had practically raised her and while he could be a total dick sometimes, he was super protective. A sudden door slam broke her away from her homework, she looked up as Will and his two friends Killian and Robin were coming in.
"Beer in the fridge?" Robin asked.
"As always." Will replied and walked over to the couch "Scoot." He said and plopped down next to Sam. Sam went to scoot over but Killian plopped down on the other side of her and she found herself sandwiched between her brother and Killian on the small couch. She felt her face heat up as Killian's leg rubbed against hers. Sam had, had a crush on Killian for years but he never really seemed to pay too much attention to her. However why would Killian "different girlfriend every week" Jones even look at her. One she was his best friends little sister, two she was probably the furthest thing from his type. Unlike her brother she was quiet, and shy and Killian seemed to prefer the more wild girls or blondes. Sam had never even kissed anyone let alone do half of the things Killian's previous girlfriends had done.
Robin walked into the living room with the case of beer and started passing them around he went to hand Sam one but she shook her head.
"Suit yourself." Robin shrugged and sat back in the recliner. Will grabbed his Xbox controllers off of the coffee table and handed one to Killian. Killian pulled off his leather jacket and draped it over the back of the couch accidentally elbowing Sam in the ribs.
"Oh. Sorry Sammi." He said.
"It's fine." Sam said quietly and went back to reading her textbook or trying to between the explosives on the video game the guys were playing and the hollering Sam wasn't getting much done at all not to mention every time either Will or Killian would move she'd get shoved one way or the other.
"Will really! I have a test tomorrow.." Sam sighed.
"So go be quiet somewhere else." Will shrugged. "Like the kitchen but if you're going out there, bring me a sandwich." He said.
Sam rolled her eyes and stood up.
"Make your own sandwich asshole.." She muttered and kicked him as she climbed over him.
"Ow! What the hell Sam?" He groaned.
"I don't know Will I think you deserved it." Killian smirked and winked at Sam. Sam swallowed hard and picked up her textbook and walked into the kitchen.
"Have you ever thought of not being such a dick to your sister?" Killian asked.
"Oh bugger off Jones. She's fine." Will shrugged.
"I'm just saying you're kind of all she's got being nice wouldn't hurt."
"Well aren't you just a prince charming. You like her or something?" Will asked.
"What? No. Come on man shes your little sister.." Killian said defensively.
"Good, I'd fucking kill ya if you touched her." Will said. Killian raised an eyebrow and sipped at his beer.

Sam sat in the kitchen studying. She was getting a little hungry so she stood up and walked to the fridge she opened it and sighed. She couldn't have made Will a sandwich if she wanted to there was no food. She reached up to the top of the fridge and pulled down the grocery fund and looked inside. It was empty.
"Will!" She shouted. Will walked into the kitchen
"What?" He asked.
"Where did the money go?" Sam asked.
"About that.." Will said.
"Goddamn it Will!"
"Relax Sam, I'll get it back tomorrow."
"Well, good but what are we going to eat tonight?" Sam asked. Killian walked into the kitchen.
"What's up?" He asked.
"Nothing." Sam replied and put the empty jar back on top of the fridge. "My brothers a bloody idiot. That's all." She muttered and pushed her way past Will.
"Come on Sam.." Will sighed as Sam went into her room and shut the door.

It was a couple hours later. Sam was laying on her bed scrolling through her phone when there was a knock on the door.
"Shove off Will!" She shouted. The door opened.
"I'm not Will." Killian said stepping in with a paper plate in his hands.
"Killian.. What..are you doing?" Sam asked and sat up adjusting her clothes. Killian shut the door and walked over and sat down on the bed with her and handed her the plate with two slices of pizza on it.
"I ordered Pizza." He said.
"You didn't have to do that." Sam said. Killian shrugged.
"I know how it can be, it's just me and Liam and he tries but sometimes it gets frustrating." He said and smiled. "I'm Wills best friend and I can't imagine having to live with that bag of dicks." He chuckled.
Sam smiled and took a bite of her pizza.
"He's not all bad." She shrugged. "He can be nice."
"Aye." Killian said and took a moment just to look at her. She had done a lot of growing in just a couple years. A lot. There were things about her he hadn't noticed before, like the way she smiled with not only her lips but her eyes and that he had never really known that brown eyes could be so beautiful. She was far from his usual type of girl, and he had been with many girls. He was basically the schools womanizer however when he looked at Sam she made him want to be better than that. He inched closer to her and she instantly tensed.
"W..what are you d..doing?" She stuttered out. He smirked.
"Do you know how cute you are when you blush?" He asked. Her face turned bright red. "Ah like that." He said. Sam shook her head and looked down.
"I'm.. not your type." She said. Killian stood up.
"We'll just have to see about that, now won't we love?" He winked before walking out of the room leaving Sam a flustered, stuttering mess of mush.

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