Chapter 10 Scare

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  "Love, wake up." Killian whispered and lightly nudged Sam's shoulder. Sam blinked her eyes open and smiled at him.
"Hello there Captain." She mumbled. Killian smirked.
"Ready to go home?" He asked.
"I guess we have to." Sam said and sat up. Killian handed her, her clothes she stood and got dressed.
"Are we already back at the docs?" She asked.
"Aye. I brought us home while you slept. I didn't want to wake you." He smiled and offered his hand. Sam took his hand and he led them out of the cabin and off of the ship.
"I texted Will and told him I found you out of town and that we were on our way back. I figured you'd rather him think you were out of town than know.. About what actually happened." He said and scratched behind his ear.
"Oh. Definitely. I like you in one piece." Sam smiled.


Once they got back to Killian's, Sam no sooner walked into the door before Will pulled her into a tight hug.
"The fuck were you thinking?" He asked his voice wasn't angry, it was full of fear.
"I'm sorry Will.. I wasn't. You know how I get." Sam apologized.
"I know but pick up your bloody phone next time!" He scolded her now. "You can't just run off wherever you want Sam."
"I know, I'm sorry." Sam sighed and looked down.
"Did Dad say when he'd be back?" Will asked.
"He said he had to tie up loose ends, but he'd be back by the middle of next month.." Sam frowned.
"Hey. It's going to be okay, we'll get through it. We always do."
"Why don't you two just stay here?" Killian asked. "I'm sure there's something Liam can do."
"Because that would just piss him off even more." Will sighed. "It will only be for a couple weeks before Mom asks him to come back."
"Yeah but that's a couple weeks that you or Sammi could get hurt.." Killian said.
"He isn't going to touch Sammi, not while I'm around. I'm just trying to keep the peace." Will said.
"You think we'll get the electric back on before he gets here?" Sam asked.
"Yep. Already working on it." Will nodded. "Why don't you go to bed? Its late."
"Okay." Sam nodded and walked into her room. She put her duffle bag on her bed and pulled out some sleep clothes and walked to the bathroom to take a shower.
Will looked at Killian.
"I don't think I need to tell you that if you hurt my sister I will end you." He warned.
"I'm not going to hurt her Will. Okay? I've changed and I did it for her."
"You better hope so Jones." Will said and walked off. Killian sighed and sat down.
"So.. probably a good idea you didn't tell Will that you took Sam out on the boat." Liam smirked.
"How did you know?" Killian asked.
"You smell like the ocean." Liam said. "I'm not mad that you took the boat, just a little heads up would have been nice."
"Sorry, she was just a mess when I found her so I thought the ocean would help. It always helped me." Killian said.
"Aye." Liam smiled.

A few weeks later

"I don't know what to do." Regina sighed pacing back and forth in the bathroom at Killians house.
"Hey. Whatever happens Gina, it will be okay." Sam smiled trying to calm her friend down.
"You're not the one who just peed on a stick!" Regina exclaimed.
"Hey, I'm only trying to help." Sam sighed.
"I know. I know.. I'm sorry." Regina said. "Robin is going to freak out."
"I think he'll be okay, hes pretty calm natured." Sam shrugged. "Its your mother i'd be worried about. She's going to blow a bloody gasket." Sam cringed. The timer on Regina's phone went off.
"Thanks for letting me do this here." She sighed.
"Anytime, Gina." Sam smiled. "You ready?"
"I can't. You do it." Regina said. Sam picked up the pregnancy test from the counter and cringed again.
"Oh..fuck." Regina said taking the test from her.
"It's gonna be okay Gina. We'll figure it out." She said and hugged her best friend.


Sam was in the kitchen helping Liam with dinner. Killian was at the table working on homework.
"SAMANTHA!" Will practically screamed making everyone jump as he marched into the kitchen holding up the positive pregnancy test.
"What.. the fuck is this?" He demanded.
"Bloody..hell." Liam sighed. Killian looked up at Will and then at Sam.
"Fuck.." He said.
"Wait.. Will it-" Sam started.
"Are you pregnant??" He asked and then turned to Killian. "Did you get my sister pregnant?!"
"Will just calm down." Killian said putting his hands out. Will growled and stepped forward Sam stepped in between him and Killian.
"Will. I'm not pregnant. That test is not mine." She explained. Both Killian and Liam sighed in relief.
"Well then whose is it??" Will asked.
"Its Regina's.." Sam said. "Just don't say anything to Robin until she gets a chance to." Sam sighed. "And please go put that back in the trash can you know she bloody pissed on that right?" Sam asked.
"Wait a second. Even if it's not yours.. Why the hell did Killian freak out?" Will asked.
Sam sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Please don't make me spell it out for you. And Don't you go attacking Killian, it was my choice. I'm not a child anymore Will."
Will sighed heavily he tossed the pregnancy test in the trash can in the kitchen and then walked outside.
"I'll talk with him." Liam sighed.
"No. Just give him a minute and then I will." Sam said walking back into the kitchen to help Liam finish dinner.

After a little while, Sam walked outside and sat on the porch swing next to Will.
"Dinners ready." She said softly.
"I'll be in, in a minute." Will said before taking a drag from his cigarette.
"I'm sorry. I know you're upset." Sam frowned.
"Nah.. its okay. I mean I knew it would happen eventually.." Will sighed. "Its're all I've got Sammi, I was used to it being you and me, but you don't need me as much because you have him, and trust me, I am glad its him and not Humbert. I just wasn't ready to let ya go. But you went and grew up." He smiled.
"I still need you Will.. I mean we have to move back into the house next week, Dad will be back we have no bloody idea which version of him we're getting and I'm scared shitless." Sam sighed. "Just because I love Killian doesn't mean I don't still need you," Sam leaned against his shoulder.
"We'll figure it out Sam. You know we will."
"I know. We always do." Sam smiled.


Sam sat on Killian's bed looking over his homework.
"How's it look?" He asked.
"It could use a little work but we can fix it in the morning." Sam smiled. Killian sat next to her and fidgeted with his fingers nervously.
"What's wrong?" Sam asked.
"Its just..earlier the whole pregnancy thing freaked me out, not that I wouldn' know stick around because I would its just.. I mean you aren't are you? You weren't just using Gina as a cover?"
"No, Killian I'm not pregnant." Sam laughed.
"Well its just I know we didn't use protection. Things just..kind of happened. Are you sure?" He asked.
Sam nodded. "Yes, I went to get started on birth control, they did a test before they gave me a shot. I'm not pregnant. We're good."
"So we don't need these?" Killian asked and pulled a paper bag down from the nightstand. Sam took the bag and opened it dumping the condoms all over the bed laughing.
"Liam..uh, well the pregnancy test freaked him out too. He doesn't want to be an uncle yet." Killian chuckled.
"Oh I don't know this one might be fun." Sam grinned and picked one up. "Ribbed for her pleasure." She said in a sultry tone and winked at him. Killian blushed.
"Did I just make you blush??" Sam asked.
"Shut up.." Killian muttered.
"Aww look, your ears are red." Sam smiled and touched the tips of his ears. Killian grabbed her wrists and wrestled her down on the bed planting his lips on hers and then pulled away smirking at the blush on her face.
"Now whos blushing?" He asked.   

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