I had to get her away. I couldn't bear if anything were to happen to her.

I grinned sheepishly. "I kind of already booked the tickets, it was supposed to be a surprise. You fly out in two days and you'll be back just before school starts."

She gave me a stern glance. "Finley, you shouldn't of done something like that off the bat. I don't know, it's still a very long time to be away from you."

I looked at her once more. "You'll still have me when you get back. Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere." I smiled, a pang running through my heart.

I couldn't promise that.

She smiled, nodding her head. "I suppose May will be thrilled, I haven't seen her in so long."

She grinned at me, and I saw the excitement sparkling in her eyes and that made it feel a small bit better. If it's to keep her safe.

That's what I told myself.


The morning my grandma was the leave, I woke up early to make her breakfast. She seemed excited, which I was happy about but I still had that nagging voice in the back of my mind reminding me I was sending her away to keep her safe?

How long will that last though? Until you travel back in time through a time loop you heard about from a stranger?

My mind buzzed and I tried to block out all the irrational thoughts. I poured myself a mug of coffee and a berry tea for my grandma.

She came into the kitchen, her greying pushed back by a lilac band. She grinned, taking the tea from my hands.

"I'm going to miss you." She smiled wistfully and I gave her a small smile in return. I hadn't been away from my grandma for a while, it would be weird for me.

"Is that Sadie ? Oh I haven't seen her for a while!" She exclaimed her eyes darting out the window. Panic spiked in my chest, as Sadie strolled in the door and I watched my grandma go to greet her.

"Sadie! How are you dear? Did you come to see me off? Finley told me she'd be staying with you? Is that okay with your parents, I didn't even check, dearie me. I suppose you're both adults now but I wouldn't like her to be all alone. I'm glad she has a good friend like you." My grandma chatted energetically.

She could definitely talk.

Sadie's eyes shifted over to me, holding suspicion I knew all too well. She turned back to my grandma.

"Of course I would come to see you before you leave! And yeah, it's perfectly fine if she stays with us. I can stay here some nights too. Don't worry too much and have fun!"

I let out a breath of relief that she kept up the pretense but I knew well that my charade was up. She knew that something was going on now.

"Would you like us to drive you to the airport?" I asked, in hopes of escaping whatever questions Sadie had for me, so I could at least get my head together. But of course, nothing ever seemed to go my way.

"No, Donna is accompanying me! She should be here any second." She said just as Donna pulled up in her red corvette car, her died blonde hair under a straw sunhat.

I rolled my eyes playfully, grabbing her bags to take them out.

"How are you Finley? You seem to have grown every time I see you. Any boyfriend in the picture?"

I offered Donna a small smile.

"Not at the moment Donna."

She flicked her finger at me. "Mind yourself dear, you don't need to rely on a man. Assert your own independence! Equality for women!"

My lips quirked up. "Absolutely Donna. I'll keep that in mind."

I watched them drive down the road, an apprehensive feeling in the pit of my stomach as I knew the conversation awaiting me.

Sadie stood behind me on the pavement. The sun caught her grey eyes, narrowing in suspicion as I turned to her.

"I think we should have a little chat."

Sadie and I had been friends since I could remember. I could trust her with anything, the only downside being I was horrible at keeping secrets from her. She could easily see through any of my futile attempts to.

Even when I tried to go against it, it never seemed to work.

"I just told her that I'd be staying at yours so she'd go see her sister. She's been wanting to for the last few years. I didn't want her to worry."

Sadie quirked an eyebrow. "And Oscar? Since when did you two become friends?"

I bit my lip.

"A while ago."

She smiled at me in a way that put me ill at ease.

"Finley, what the hell is going on?"

I sighed. "Seems I have a lot to tell you, huh?"


Her eyes were looking down at my carpeted floor, the dark purple contrasted greatly with her ashy blond hair. She finally looked up after a moment of silence.

"Holy fucking shit."

I shrugged. "It's a bit excessive but yeah, that's basically it."

She looked again me again.

"Dude. Holy. Fucking. Shit."

I looked away, as she contemplated everything I had told her. "Will he be mad that you told me?"

"Most likely." Came my mellowed answer. To be honest, revealing everything that had happened to someone I knew was at least a little sane was a big relief. It wasn't this huge secret that I was carrying all by myself anymore.

"And CURRENT? are you gonna take the deal?"

I shrugged. "I don't know, I'm going to decline it and see what happens."

She gave me a deadpan look. "You don't seem overly worried."

"I think I'm still in denial."

She laughed. "What if you do take the deal? Imagine the money you'd get out of it? How long have you even known Oscar and Trev anyway, they seem like dodgy characters."

I looked over at her.

"What if it's real though? If what Oscar claimed is true then that's going to be life changing. If I can go back in time, maybe I could try and save my parents."

She frowned. "You don't know what you'd be messing with Finley. You could end up in any era anyway. This is all kind of crazy, are you sure you want to get mixed up in this?"

I looked at her full on. "I already

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