"I'd like the Grapewine signature filet mignon, and it's Mr. Malone to you." Austin said disrespectfully, then rushed Allie to place her order. "I'd take the pomegranate salad please," she handed him her menu "oh, and no wine for me, just water." He made his way to me, smiling. I observed him, his hazel eyes, short dark brown curly hair, big bright white teeth, perfect pink lips, he was so handsome. "Can I get the garlic butter shrimp?" He closed his notepad and looked at the three of us, "I will have that out soon." Logan walked away, my eyes still followed him even with Austin being a complete dick, he held his composure and was still respectful. That to me was so attractive.

Rylee Justice: I'm sorry about Austin. Idk what his problem is.

Logan Kane: He's upset with his life and that barbie he takes everywhere.

Rylee Justice: You think so?

Logan Kane: Know so. Get back to your boring lunch, so I can make up for it during dinner.

"So, how long have you two been dating?" I questioned, mainly wanting Allie to answer just so I could get under her skin. "2" "1" they both said at the same time. "Woah, which one is it?" I smiled sipping my lemonade. "Year in a half, almost two." Austin said before Allie had a chance. "Austin, are you serious? We made two years, two months ago." She responded to him. They began to argue, I walked over to the balcony and looked across the view. It was so beautiful here, I would love to live with a view like this especially if there was water. "You've got to be fucking kidding me!" One of them shouted at the other, ruining my perfect moment. I moved my body right passed them without making a sound and went inside. I made my way to the bar, I wasn't going to drink anything, but I think wine bars are so gorgeous in a way.

Rylee Justice: The wine bar is so gorgeous here omg.

Logan Kane: Stay there.

I did what he told me to and waited for him. After awhile I felt a warm pair of hands grasp my waist pulling me towards them. I turn around and it was Logan. "Would you like to see the underground wine cellar? It's just as gorgeous as this" He grabbed my hand leading the way. Passing the door that said, 'Do not enter' "Are you sure about this, Logan?" I asked him feeling a small amount of weariness in my stomach. "Didn't I tell you my dad owns this? Don't worry, it's okay." We made it down to the cellar, and oh my, it was breathtaking. "Logan, this place is" His lips crashed on mine, immediately sending butterflies to my tummy. I kissed him back without thinking twice, I felt something a something I haven't felt in a very long time. Logan picked me up putting me on the wood countertops, moving my curly hair behind my head with putting his hands around the back of my neck. His lips started moving lower, he was now down to my neck. By this time I was wet and wanting him in the worst ways. I grabbed the bottom of his shirt, quickly removing it from his body.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

"Do you. wanna. get that??" Logan managed to say while his lips still on my body.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

"I guess I have to." I answered my phone without looking at the caller id. "Hello?" "Where are you?" said an upset Austin. "Restroom, I'm coming." Logan looked up at me, "You really have to go?" I shake my head while gaining my self control back, "I'm sorry, I really am. But, can we finish this tonight? Yeah, okay." I ran up the stairs and went back to the table. "I'm sorry, y'all didn't have to wait for me." I told them nicely because of my fast, yet sexy interaction with Logan. "Trust me, I Know. Austin insisted.." Allie said bitterly, but I kept a smile on my face.

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