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I was in a very awkward situation right now between Jimin and Jungkook I try to forget about it and try to quickly walk out but before I do, Jungkook pulls me in and closes the door covering my mouth.

I was shocked at his action and confused but he seemed like he was about to tear up just a little. He's the tough type. Why is he about to cry right now?

"Taehyung please. Please don't tell the others. It was a mistake" he looks over at Jimin.

He slowly uncovers my mouth. I was able to talk now. They looked almost scared. I'm surprised they just didn't try to laugh off the whole situation. Were they THAT into eachother?

"Jungkook...Jimin...how long was this going on for?" I ask either one of them out of curiousity.

"Ever since I moved in with Jungkook" Jimin confesses looking a little guilty that someone found out.

I stayed quite for a second to figure out what to say. I wasn't mad. Why would I be? Their relationship has nothing to do with me.

"How did it start?" I ask which I assumed got their attention as they looked at eachother.

"Uh..." Jimin hesitates a little. And then he gulped." Well, I don't know. It was like...we're guys. We have these moments where we just needed physical almost sexual interaction with someone at some point. And since we are not allowed to date and all we had was eachother...I kinda seduced Jungkook and...it just happend and so it continued to happen because it was really helping us out. And I think after a while of interactions we gained feelings for eachother" Jimin explained everything.

It was dead silent again. I was still thinking. It was actually unexpected believe it or not.

"Don't worry guys, I won't say anything. It's not my place. And I believe what you said is not a bad idea and it makes sense. So go at it I guess but I do have questions" I start to laugh a little lifting the awkwardness from the room.

Jimin and Jungkook smile as well and then start to laugh giving me a hug with a single tear coming down both of their faces.

I let them be. I knew it was a big deal because if this gets exposed, then their whole career is at risk.

We've all been so close. I believe we'll never expose ourselves like that. So I hoped they would be carful but still be happy. I wish I was able to feel the way they felt about eachother with someone but we're not supposed to date anyone. Girl or boy it doesn't matter. And the closest thing I felt of feeling loved in that kind of way was with Hoseok that night.

And I want it again.


It was getting late and my voice was tired from rapping along with Suga. I love doing things with Suga. Once you know him very well, he's a very fun guy.

"We did good today. But don't over work your voice Hoseok" Suga warns me as he turned his chair to face me.

Was it just me or was he looking more attractive today with his mint hair in that style? I, being Hoseok, just let him know.

"Hyung you look handsome today did you actually sleep last night instead of writing lyrics the whole night?" I ask him and smile.

"You need to stop saying that so much it's getting weird" Suga turns away but I didn't give in.

"What Hyung why are you embarrassed? I can't give a compliment? Why are you blushing" I laugh about it lightly poking and teasing Yoongi.

I knew I was being annoying. It was fun. And secretly, I know Yoongi doesn't mind. It's normal. It happens all the time. That's why I'm annoying.

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