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  • Dedicated to the lgbt community

Even before I realized I was bisexual, rude comments towards gay people have always made me feel offended. I seriously never understood what the hell was so wrong with gay people, why everyone was so harsh on them and why even my own mother has cruel opinions towards them. I never understood it until a while back.


Christians, mainly. I'm not saying all Christians think this way, but a lot of them do and that's upseting. They believe that gay people are wrong and should all go to hell. I read one comment from a Christian saying:

" Yes, God loves all, but gay people were a creation of the Devil."

shut the fuck up bro before i staple your lips together because your fucking mind was the creation of the Devil.

This is fucking 2014, shouldn't we be allowed to love whoever the fuck we want to love and not get judged for it? It's love. It's the same thing when a guy or girl are together. It's the same.fucking.thing. And once you people start realizing that, the easier life would work.

and why the hell is it any of your business who anybody else is dating? They aren't you. Stop caring about other people and their personal lifes and look at yours because if you're honestly thinking that Gay people are bad then you should just refresh your fucking mind.

And why the fuck should sexuality matter? It's not like that defines someone. What if they are you best fucking friend? Why should their sexuality change the way you look at them?

And then we change the topic to:labels. Why is everyone out there desperately searching for a label to stamp on themselves? You don't need a fucking label, just be yourself. And no, when I say be yourself, BE YOUR FUCKING SELF. I'm not saying be yourself as in what society thinks being yourself is, be yourself. If you're a girl who likes girls, then be it. If you're a girl who likes guys, be it, but just know you don't have to tell anybody. It's not their business.

And that's one of the reasons why I'm still "in the closet". Because I don't see the point in telling everyone that I'm bi. Why should I? I don't fucking see straight people coming out, why should we? The stupidity.

And of course, the other reason why I haven't come out yet is because well, I'm scared. I've seen the way people treat other people when they come out. I'm not ready for that. I hate keeping things about myself from everyone, but this is just how it's always been with me. It's not like I care what people think but like, harsh comments hurt. When I'm on here and get harsh comments, I don't really care because they don't know me and this is just online. But with the real world, they do know me and it's real fucking life. I will have to put up with it everyday and I'm scared. Wouldn't YOU be scared?

That's why in the beginning stages of me realizing it, I tried to push those thoughts away. Sometimes I'd be watching TV and I'd see those models in a commercial and I'd be thinking that they I was literally seeing girls the same way I see guys and I guess it was a bit scary because I still didn't know why people hated gays.

In the end, I came to terms with it. Kept it to myself for a couple months until I was completely sure of it. And then I came out on the internet and it was like I could finally breath.

And out of all of this came out my story, Escape. That's why I love that story so much and that's why I get so hurt because no one reads it. I feel offended in a way, too. That story is probably the most important story, out all the one's I've ever written, to me. It has more meaning than the others and it has a very special place in my heart.

Wow, this rant was longer than others. It's 5am. I havent gotten any sleep. I was reading Youtube comments which I probably shouldn't have been.


- Anal iz

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