18 Facts You Didn't Know About Me!

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I think the title is pretty self explanitory

Fact 1: my birthday is May 18, and next year, Ill be turning 18 so golden birthday. If you don't now what that is, search it up.

Fact 2: I'm Mexican, Filipino, Aztec (more like Asstec), Spanish and well, White. (mostly Asstec)

Fact 3:  I was suppose to be lefty,  but my elementary school was crazy and refused to let me be a lefty and made me a righty.

Fact 4: I have 3 brothers and I'm the only girl. Talking family wise, I have no dad in my life and I live with my mum.

Fact 5: I was born in Indiana !!!

Fact 6 : I secretly sing (dont tell anyone shh)

Fact 7: One of my biggest insperations is Selena Quintanilla. If you dont know who she is I wont hesitate to cut a bitch.

Fact 8: In 5th grade, my class voted me most likely to become famous.

Fact 9 : Im very witty and clever so watch your back.

Fact 10: I'm actually a very very very sad person, on the inside at least, but I always seem to express it with happiness.

Fact 11: I'm very sassy, but it doesn't take a genius to figure that out.

Fact 12 : favorite color is red, favorite animal is panda, favorite tv show is Doctor Who.

Fact 13 : I didn't start speaking English until I was about 6. (Spanish being my native language but Im shit at Spanish now)

Fact 14 : My name is my parent's ship name. My mum's name is Anel and my dad's is Luis and combine you get Aneliz. too bad theyre divorced :P

Fact 15: My earliest memory is when I was 4 and I fell down the stairs.

Fact 16 : I can't dye my hair, curl my hair or straighten my hair. It is permenently dark brown and wavy.

Fact 17 : I learn things really fast.

Fact 18 : I love to write (duh) and I really do wish to pursue something with it.

OKAY! That was 18 facts about me! Hey, let's get to know each other. Tell me 18 facts about yourself, too! :D

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