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Um hey guys. I'll be posting this message her instead of on my message board but I really want everyone who actually cares about my account to read this.

I'm going inactive. I know I've said shit like this before but that really was just me being dramatic. Like honestly it just isn't fun on here anymore. I feel forced into answering messages, no one is ever online, my stories don't get any fucking attention, my followers are just ghosts and it's just not fun anymore. I came here for the writing and lately I just haven't been doing that.

There's so many reasons why it's just a better decision for me to quit Wattpad. Honestly, I really have to work hard at school. Like I honestly have to work my best and not have to worry about a fucking website where everything isn't real. This is all not real, do you get that? Like its just a fucking website, its not reality. Sure I've had fun here but it's just not real.

Maybe I'll come once in a while to say hi but I honestly doubt it.

But honestly I would feel weird just leaving all my friends but most have just been so fucking inactive like I have that I honestly don't even know how to contact them :/

so if you're my friend and you're reading this and desire to keep being my friend, just message me for my number. I won't give my number out to EVERYONE of my friends but just the ones I really desire to keep talking to. (if i do give you my number i beg you not to give it to someone if they ask you for it)

I'd still love for my non-friends followers to still keep up w/ me tho so please its not like im leaving the internet alltogether! I'll still be on other sites.

Twitter - zayneliz

Tumblr - zaynssidecut (im mostly active there.)

Gmail - anelizissocoollike

alright, so I guess this is the end? It's honestly been really fun and I can't thank you guys enough. As for my stories, I'm unpublishing the unfinished ones and I'm gonna finish editing the finished ones and posting the edited versions if anyone cares

Just know that this was a really hard decision for me and I wish it didn't have to be this way but all of this was gonna have to end eventually. This is definitely not because I dont love 1d anymore, it really is just because of my lack of inspiration with this site. No drama, just simply me tired of it.

One last big big big thank you to you guys. I'm so so grateful that I've managed to reach this many followers? Honestly thank you! And I still can't believe I manged to get a story to get over 100k reads...uh thats amazing? Thank you so much, guys :')

Individually I'd like to thank @dolefuI @homebodies @kimpossibelle @stwhyles @lighthouses @aguardian @xbeautyrisesx for my making my Wattpad experience more special. I haven't talked to some of you guys in forever and that's honestly so fucking sad so ya'll better contact me fucking soon.

Okay um well, it was nice knowing all of you :)

Until next time ;)

- Aneliz, Inlouwethrust, anal iz, ava adilene

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