luke frowned a little, but let it fly. he wasn't in the mood to question anything else.

finally, michael hit a slightly protruding piece of wall. he grinned, grabbing at it to the best of his ability. it took another minute, but michael finally got a decent grip and yanked the door at least a foot open. luke, finally more awake than asleep, widened his eyes.

"ha." michael raised his eyebrows and grinned.

luke blinked a few times. "w- is this," he glanced out into the dark hallway to make sure no one was coming. "does everyone know about this?"

"no, that's the cool bit.

before luke could list off his slightly paranoid reasons but also somewhat logical reasons why going through a mysterious door that no one knew about was a god-awful idea, michael had already taken off. luke rolled his eyes, knowing he was going to regret not going back to his room, and ran after him. there weren't any lights down that hallway, so when michael stopped, luke ran right into him.

"watch it."

"i can't see, shut up."

"that's not my fault."

"why the hell'd you stop?"

"i hear people."

luke was about to ask what sort of idiot was awake at this hour of the night, but then he was sort of the answer to that question. so he kept quiet and waited for michael to do something.

"who is it?" he whispered after about a minute of unbroken silence. he couldn't hear a thing, but it wasn't the first time that michael had heard people before anyone else.

"i don't know, they all sound the same in my head." michael's voice had dropped down to a whisper too. "you know that, i've told you like a million times."

"they don't all sound the same, drama queen."

michael exhaled loudly, and luke heard him begin to walk away. he grabbed hold of what must've been his shirt sleeve and used it as his guide. michael laughed under his breath, but did nothing to move the hand.

eventually, michael, with his free arm outstretched into the dark, bumped into a door. he and luke both winced at the harshness of the sudden noise. the noise in michael's head faltered for a moment, and he held his breath. what would happen if they were caught, especially by jacob? he glanced down at the light coming from the bottom of the door.

but after a moment, michael fumbled for the doorknob. luke heard him and whispered, "what are you doing?"

"i want to see what's behind here." he whispered, equally as quiet.

you'd think years of being contained like an animal would make one paranoid and jumpy, but michael seemed to have turned out the polar opposite. he's going to kill himself, luke thought, and the angry nudge he received made him stop thinking.

michael pushed the door open, barely letting a crack of light from the other side shine through. luke tried to peak through under michael's arm, although there wasn't much to be seen. everything was fuzzy except for one small but defined strip.

then, michael picked up on the person's alertness because people aren't idiots and actually notice when something moves. before they had a chance to come after them, michael grabbed luke's arm before breaking into a sprint back towards the room. luke was taken aback, but didn't question it. he hadn't been really questioning half the stuff being thrown at him lately.

the door swung open all the way, but luke and michael were already out of range of the light, their footsteps echoing loudly against the walls and ceiling. neither of them bothered to close the hidden door as they sprinted out. they didn't stop until they'd sped back into luke's room, jumped onto the bed, and buried themselves under the sheets.

several minutes of intense heavy breathing and waiting for someone to come after them.

still in the dark, luke mumbled, "i hate you."

"shut up."

"that was such a bad idea, we could've gotten in such big trouble-"

"lucas, there is one adult supervisor here, and from what we've been told, he barely interacts with us. i seriously doubt we're going to get grounded."

luke batted away the covers that had been enclosing on his face. "so? what if we'd been caught?"

michael exhaled, then left the bed and fumbled for the light switch. "we're fine, see? we just had the shit scared out of us is all. if we go back when that guy isn't there, we can find out what's in there."

"are you kidding?" luke asked, still panting heavily. he hadn't so much as jogged in years, sprinting at that intensity and speed and taken a blow to the both of them. "you're not kidding."

"look, jacob came out of that door earlier. if he's such a bad guy like everyone else is making him out to be, then we 'ought to find out what he's hiding. and no one else is going to help us 'cause they're all scared stiff of him."

"did you ever consider that there's a reason for them to be scared?"

"yeah. he's scary as hell, but i just got out of a prison, you did too and so did ash and cal. we didn't get broken out of there to get stuck into a different prison with prettier rooms. "

these two hardly saw eye to eye on much, but luke had to agree with him. "fine. but if we go back poking around, you're checking beforehand to make sure no one's there, because we are not going through that again.

michael scoffed. "fine, pussy."

"shut up."


michael is sucha dick im laughign


okay so a lot has happened this past month. i'm just going to list them off so i don't take up too much time.
1. wade (lordminion777) replied to me ayee
3. the day before that i went to comic con and mET MARK AND I'LL BE UPLOADING THAT VIDEO SOON
4. aaron (yamimash) also replied to my tweet!!
5. me, cheryl ('mentaI' on here), cloe, and several other fans started up a hashtag #marksourhero as something fun that we wanted him to see and like six people were consitantly making an effort in the tag thEN HE TWEETED ABOUT IT AND THE TAG BLEW UP AND IT TRENDED NUMBER FOUR IN THE USA FOR LIKE FIFTEEN MINUTES IM SOBBING.

and yeah that's my life lmao
idk why i wrote about it here it just makes me rlly rlly happy :D

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