Chapter • one

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Alot can happen during a lifetime.

As Seoul was packed with painfully cold winds and it was only September.

Haechan walked through the dark and abandoned streets of seoul with the cold wind hitting his exposed leg's.

"Why is it so cold today for fucks sake" he mumbled as the painful cold wind hitting his legs didn't stop anytime soon.

He didn't understand why
seoul had been acting so weird for the past few day's.

on top of that it was the weekend.

Weekends were an absolute nightmare for haechan.

He was never free on the weekend's because his shitty boss always made sure haechan did what he had planned out for himself.

Haechan kept his head low as he entered the café his best friend's boyfriend , jeno owned.

Jeno owned "café lee" one of the most popular café's in seoul , his business was sure successful , elite class people always came there for dates or lunches.

As soon as he entered the café he noticed that it was empty.

Probably cause it was early in the morning.

"Hello sir what would you like to have?" A middle aged woman on the counter asked.

"A hot chocolate" haechan said ignoring the smile that the woman gave him.

"Alright sir we'll serve that to you in a minute" she said as haechan nodded in response.

haechan sat at the very end of the café just because he didn't like the idea of sitting infront of people. He felt uneasy doing that.

He fetched his phone out. Which was pretty useless because he had no one to text anyways.

After a few minutes his hot chocolate arrived , looking all delish.

"Enjoy sir" the woman said walking off.

Enjoy? What's that?

Haechan thought as he sipped his hot chocolate , he smiled at the divine taste. Even tho he didn't feel anything inside , he would still smile.

The thing about haechan was that he had no emotions , he felt nothing , numb is how he would describe himself.

Everyone he had ever met thought he was weird and dangerous.

They described him as "monstrous"
But they never asked why he was what he was.

haechan's mother ran away with another man when he was just 6 and his dad died when haechan was 16 , from drug overdose.

Haechan's dad had abused him a lot, he was often drunk and would hit haechan making haechan cry but then one day haechan was so fed up of all the thing's that happened to him that he just became numb.

Dead but alive . almost.

He forgot what happiness and sadness felt like because the last time he had felt those two emotions was when he was just 14 .

After his abusive dad passed away haechan had pratically raised himself , he was always clueless , he didn't know what sadness nor happiness was.

He would often see people cry or see them jump in the air with excitement but all haechan would do is watch in distance and reenact the scene feeling absolutely nothing in return.

He was empty inside , he never seeked for help because most people never believed him , he also didn't want people to think he was a weirdo.

He never felt love or hate , he never had a crush nor an enemy , he lived in a quite neighbourhood with no one but old people.

emotionless •° markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now