Chapter 12: Just Hanging Around

Start from the beginning

I cursed at myself for acting like a mom worried about where her kid could be. I mean, it's just Eli. He was only my best friend, brother from another mother.

I took my phone out from under the blankets of my bed, and blurted out an expletive when the brightness was turned all the way on. I squinted my eyes, trying to adjust to the abruptness of the light on my phone.

I had a lot of messages. I scrolled through them, absentmindedly, until my eyes were drawn to a particular one.

Eli: Drew, went out to clear my head. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine.

Then I saw the one above.

Unknown Number: Had a really fun time last night. Maybe we could do it again, and try some new positions. Like the one where my legs are-

I immediately blocked the number. Usually I'm turned on by that kind of stuff, but this girl had absolutely not game, whatsoever. And I wasn't interested.

Whatever, call me a dick for having sex with girls and then leaving them. That's just how it is. I can't explain it.

I dropped my phone on the mattress, before grabbing one of my pillows on the bed. I repeatedly smacked Julian's head, trying to get him to wake up.

"What the fuck man?" He moaned, before putting the pillow on top of his head.

"Eli left." Was all I said.

"I know. He said he had something to do. What's the problem?" He turns over to my side.

"I think we should go find him."

"Drew, no. That's just low, man."

"I just want to know what he's doing, that's all." I shrugged, hoping he would just get his lousy ass up.

"I'm sure he's fine. Don't be such a girl. Besides, he only had one beer, I had like 10." He began to close his eyes.

"Julian, get the hell up!" I yelled quietly, and once again smacked him in the head with a pillow.

"Fine, fine. I'm up, you asshole. Now what do you want?" He rolled his eyes.

"Let's go find Eli." I proceeded to get out of my bed, putting on the jeans I had on from last night. I grabbed my leather jacket, which was sitting in the middle of my bedroom floor, where most of my clothes were. What? Its not like my mother tells me to clean it up. Okay, yeah she does.

"Fine. But I'm sleeping on the car ride. At least let me have that." He pointed at me, the bags under his eyes more noticeable.

"Whatever, you dumbass. Let's go." I grabbed the keys to my Mom's Audi, since she's the only one who didn't own a sports car or motorcycle. I didn't want anything bad to happen to it, since we're driving at night. I'm very cautious when it comes to my sports car and motorcycle.

I looked at many places he could be that I would know of. The soccer field, we used to play soccer when we were kids. Cafe Ole, the coffee shop that he loved to pick up girls from after having his favorite drink: black coffee with 3 sugars and light cream. And finally, our hideout. The hideout where me, Eli, Julian, Nick, and Liam would all hang out, and escape from whatever stress the outside world would cause. The best part is that no one knew where it was, only us.

But he wasn't at any of these places. Well, for starters, the coffee shop closed at 8, and it was midnight, almost past it. I'm just tired from lack of sleep, but I wasn't going to stop until I knew where he was. He knows that as best friends, we never keep secrets from each other. Especially if it's about girls. Secrets are sacred to the both of us, so why was his text message so bland? Why couldn't he just tell me where he was? That's why I knew he was acting suspicious. He is up to something.

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