A Homecoming's dance

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Homecoming at Ilvermorny was even more magic than Alex had expected it to be. Of course there had to be some kind of school dance, why hadn't he thought of that earlier at least the school was located in the USA!

Since the first time he had heard about it at the meeting he couldn't stop thinking about it and how it would be different from a normal High School Homecoming. He had asked his friends all kind of questions, even though he had helped planning the dance and the Quidditch match he still had no idea what to wear, how all of this went or for which house he had to cheer for.

And then not even two weeks later it was there and Alex was way more excited than he was supposed to be. He had never experienced a Homecoming ever before because he hadn't gone to school since he was fourteen years old and also had lived in the Caribbean, so it was no wonder that he searched for all kind of books about it in the library to not make a fool of himself. Who doesn't know what's happening at Homecoming? Oh, apparently I am the only one, what a surprise! Everyone does this every year, it's not even special you have to calm down Alexander!

But he just couldn't. The dress-up days before the actual Homecoming were the worst, everyone knew what to wear and Alex had almost nothing else but his school uniform! Luckily this wasn't even as important as he  found out later. After all, this was a school of wizards and witches who knew better things to do than just dress-up. Why clothe like a pirate if you can become a pirate?

Alex' favorite dress-up day was opposite Thursday where you had to be the opposite of what you actually are, not even the other gender (even though most students did that) but just something different. Alex tried to remember every costume he saw that day but that was almost impossible. What his friends did at opposite Thursday he knew very well though.

John had somehow been turned into a girl which was a little weird since Alex thought he looked kinda hot with his curly hair being combed and a little straightened.

Hercules just wore a hoodie, jeans and a beanie and acted super surprised whenever he saw magic this day. He was a no-maj.

Lafayette was the one with the most complex costume even though he almost  looked as  he did every day except for the badge at his robe. A Pukwudgie badge. Nobody knew where he got this from or how he found out the password to the Pukwudgie common room or how he even got in there since it wasn't even his own house but at Homecoming nobody asked these questions. Everyone just thought Lafayette was a genius, even the Pukwudgie students who should better be worried that somebody who didn't belong to them could just walk into their common room.

Madison and Jefferson switched clothes which looked very funny since Jefferson was more than a head taller than his always sick friend and both of them looked just stupid. Not to forget that Madison wore the magenta colored scarf and told everyone how great he was what made Alex think that maybe he was able to get him on his side with a little work.

Aaron however didn't dress up. Not even once this week. He said that it was just stupid to run around like a first year and would only embarrass him in front of everyone. You're stupid! Why can't you just have fun? It's not like it's going to kill you!

His brother James just put on his old clothes and told everyone that he was Alex.

  Alex himself though didn't know what to do this day since he A had never done something like this before and B had not enough fantasy  to find a different costume as one of his friends anyway. When he told Lafayette about this in their common room the only answer he got was from Jefferson.

"How about instead of dressing-up you just shut up? A mute Hamilton- that would be nice! I'm sure it would impress everyone that you're even able to do this!", he shouted from across the room.

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