Aaron Burr (, Sir )

100 9 11

„Alex! Alex! Wake up!"

Alex was woken up by his brother's loud voice and the shaking ground. Actually everything was shaking. Wait... this wasn't his bed. Where were they? It took him a few moments to remember everything that had just happened. He was a wizard. He was on his way to a wizarding school and he had just followed a bald guy with large eyebrows into a big chicken. The same guy had also poisoned him with leaf water so that he would fall asleep. Wait, what?

„Am I... am I dreaming?", he asked confused. A big smile spread over James otherwise so serious face.

„No. It's real Alex. Everything is real."

Oh. Yes. It happened. All of it. Alex felt himself grin too. He looked around for Professor Washington but he was nowhere to be seen.

„Where's the Professor?", he shouted alarmed. He was the only one able to control this metal beast. With him gone, the chicken would probably crash into a mountain or something just to annoy Alex.

„Don't worry. He has gone ahead to tell the school that we're coming or something. I'm in charge of the bird for now", James explained in the attempt to calm his little brother though it might not have been the best way. It only made him even more nervous.

„James. How do you even know how to fly this thing?"

The older boy shrugged.

„I have no clue what I'm doing here, Alex. Professor Washington says he likes me and that that should be enough", he said and petted the wall. The shaking stopped immediately.

„Spoiled little asshole", Alex muttered so quietly that his brother couldn't hear him, only the rusty chicken. But still. Even when the bird liked James there was an eighty percent chance that they would crash the next five minutes. His brother couldn't even ride a bike, who the fuck  would put him in charge of a moody chick?

„You know we probably aren't going to survive..."

„Anyway, I didn't wake you up to tell you this", James cut him off.

„But we're going to-"

"Alex, no. I wanted to show you-"

"This thing just hates me! See, we have to-"

"Yeah, well it likes me so if you please could just calm down for a second and..."

"No, we have to get Professor Washington back. How can we contact him? He must have thought of something in case of an emergency."

"God damnit Alexander just take a look at the fucking sunrise!", James shouted and pointed at a big window. That shut his brother up for exactly five seconds.

"How is there a window? A few hours ago there wasn't one, I'm sure!", he discovered.

"Magic. And now. Sunrise", James commanded. Alex sighed but did as he was told and looked out of the magic window. His brother was right, even though he would never admit it, the sunrise was beautiful. They were flying over brown mountains and a coniferous forest. A small city extended at the foothills of the biggest mountain. The sky was all orange and yellow and even a little pinkish. The clouds seemed to shine as the sun crawled over the sky. Suddenly a tremble went through the chicken's body and Alex nose got pressed against the glass.

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