◽d-221 - Segak, 150 finally, 700cals

8 1 13

- paling I hate ahaha the jangkauan melunjur

Was walking to that section beside sab and Najeeha came and langgar her purse and all of her moneys, cards, coins, terpelanting Hahahaha

I did kat ainnina

Jangkauan melunjur ; 22 ke 24 tah

To the canteen

- washed our hands and naik class.


- ash teguk air sambil pegang I ahaha dia haus ya Allah

- did sc section c lagi


- to anjung. Hadid joined me.

- bought soya and she bought soya too ahaha boleh gang bcs tk ramai teguk soya.

- ate my roti kaya with soya is such a heaven.

Soya = as a substitute for teh tarik

- saw cg fatin snap pic dekat dataran with amir

- chatted with Hadid jap and dina & Nat datang

- I asked dina balik semua camna.

Our plan is to naik cg.

Then I nak gerak staffroom, I cakap "bye honey" kat natalia and she said "bye baby" and I cam "EWWWW"

- hadid wanted to go to the toilet but I tahan dia ah ha suruh naik bilik guru jap

- Cg said she ada meeting and I showed my frustration ahaha cam gila gila. Ha.

- to the toilet.. I mean only nurin to the toilet and I berkeliaran nak kejar dina kat tingkat 1.

- dina was at the com lab and we met her there.

Manisha with nurin and me with dina. Borak borak.


- did maths.

- we nak panggil wani but takut bcs dia tengah dengan Adam ahaha

- did the kuadratik

- Najeeha dah give up awal


- Cg fatin last day. She suruh us write notes about her and she gave sorang satu nestle wafer.

- I wrote ..panjang gak ah

"cikgu tknk kasi dua ke? Nama kita en sama"

Cikgu, "oh ya. Nama fatin kan semua cantik"

Dia cam puji diri dia ahahaha and syahirah buat muka.

- Cg kanak masuk and pecah sikit la telinga hahaha.

Dia sebut "cirit" cam 'rit' Hahaha and we all gelak. Dengan dia dia pun gelak.

Aku usha je cg fatin. Dia pun gelak gelak

- snap pic with cg fatin and ciao


- joined dina's group like last week.

- dina tkde.. Just me, dhia, balqis dengan lagi sorang

I asked dhia would it be fine if I join them and she said okay.

Ah ya I saw ff time I nak masuk library. Dia turun tangga

- duduk for 20 minutes I guess and only dina & ros datang


- to the canteen. Em..

I saw lalat ke idk what is that bcs I tk tengok bebetul but ada serangga la dalam sambal ayam. :]

- called acik and he said dah nak sampai

- kat koperasi we terserempak dengan ermina and I asked what was she eating.

- I saw banyak orang makan ayam and I nak do pastu I nampak tent warna merah kat depan guard house.

I tanya dina apa tu and she said dia jual pau. Sedap.

I cam "nakk. Nak dina. Jom " dah siap pegang tangan dina

And.. Yk, its Friday. We nak ke sana (pau) and suddenly acik dah datang.

I cam "aaaa diiinaaaa"

Sedih do aku. Cam.. Dina pun faham. She gelak gelak "weh camna weh" and time lintas pun I bebel apa tah.


- cadangnya nak beli churros but tk jadi

- changed my clothes and went to dapur. No rice so I tk makan.

Walked into my room and I keluar balik bcs lapar so I masak maggi goreng.

Then.. I. Played ml and naik rank

And I saw cg fatin's ig story

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And I saw cg fatin's ig story

And I saw cg fatin's ig story

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- cycled at 1615 for 1 hour. And I burned 700 cals

- mandi and baring for typing. Its 1837

Follow your heart,
I got your back

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