“Thanks for that Rebecca!” Rose said.

“You’re welcome!” I replied.

“Ethan will go with me won’t you?” Albus asked.

“Well I wasn’t planning on going!” Ethan said sadly we all knew he was afraid of the dark.

“Fine... I’ll go on my own!” Albus said feeling brave but we thought he was joking we just couldn’t imagine him going in the dark on his own to Hagrid’s.

“You won’t!” Rose said sternly.

“You can’t stop me!” Albus replied angrily. After he had said that we were all silent we didn’t know what to say or do.

“I’ll go with you!” I said quietly.

“Thanks Rebecca!” Albus replied.

“Fine I’ll go too but if we get caught it wasn’t my idea I was just tagging along for your own well being!” Rose stated pointing her finger at us.

“Fine we’ve got it!” I said.

“What about you?” Rose said to Ethan.

“I’ll stay here and cover for you!” Ethan replied.

“Oh will you the only reason you’re not going is because you’re scared of the dark!” Rose said.

“More like scared of Thorn!” I pitched in frowning.

“I am not!” Ethan disagreed.

“Prove it then warrior!” Rose mocked.

“We really should get going!” Albus said.

“Oh I’m coming!” Rose said pulling a funny face at Ethan he pulled a face back as me and Albus tried not to laugh.

“Loser that one!” Rose said rushing us along.

“Of course but you fell in love with a loser Rose, great one!” I said she playfully hit me as we smiled.

“Oh wait I heard that!” Ethan said hobbling over to push us but he kind of jumped on top of us and we all ended up in a heap on the floor.

“What was you planning on doing!” I asked Ethan.

“Not sure!” He replied.

“Get off me!” Rose said as we all helped each other up.

“So are you coming mate?” Albus asked.

“Yeah what would you be without me?” Ethan said.

“We were fine without you what do you do? Apart from scream, run away and moan!” Rose said.

“I’m a prankster and keep you all laughing even in the darkest times!” Ethan replied raising his eye brows and shutting the door behind him and then we all realised that we were in complete darkness in the hall way.

“Well done prankster!” Rose said reaching out to hit him.

“Ow that was me what did I do?” I asked as she hit me.

“Well I thought you were Ethan didn’t I!” Rose said.

“Lumos!” Albus said as a burst of light flew out his wand so we could just about see where we were going.

“I’m telling you this Potters son put that light out!” Said an angry painting. 

“We’re trying to get some sleep here yes we are!” Another painting complained.

“But we can’t see without it!” Albus said.

“Go to bed then you won’t!” A angry painting snapped.

“Well that’s an idea!” Ethan said.

“You’re not chickening out now!” Rose snapped.

"No I'm not!" Ethan said sadly.

"You don't have to go you, because we'll be fine, in fact better without you!" Rose said quite loudly.

"Shh... everyone I can hear something, or someone!" I said we all stopped and looked back nothing.

"Ha ha very funny Rebecca lets go before it's dark!" Ethan joked.

"It's already dark!" Rose comfirned.

"Oh really I hadn'y noticed, err joke!" Ethan said.

"If it's dark why are you lot still rooming around the corridoors?" A voice said.

"Well I told you so didn't I but no you didn't listen!" I said.

"I supose it could be a painting!" Ethan said.

"Ethan don't be stupid it is Professor Dumbledore isn't it!" Rose said.

"No it isn't!" Ethan said looking around.

"It is!" Dumbledore said.

"well what did I say!" Rose said.

"More like what did I say!" I said.

"Anyway where are you going, you Albus yuor father used to room around the corridoors at night but the difference with him was he was on his own and he was only caught once!" Dumbledore said.

"How do you know that?" Albus asked.

"My brother had a great mind and decided to cast away most of his memories he knew that would come in handy for the next head master to look back just like he did anyway that's not the point where are you going?" Dumbledore asked.

"Well we were on our way to the..." Ethan tried to lie but got to the point where he didn't know what to say.

"To the... Common room!" Rose said we looked to her surprisd she never lied.

"Yeah she's right!" Albus siad.

"Yeah what they said!" Ethan comfirmed.

"But you're going the wrong way!" Dumbledore said we all froze get cover up story Rose.

"Oh right!" I said we all looked annoyed at Rose she was supposed to be the brainy one and we had all forgot we had just left the common room.

"OH, silly us thank you Professor and goodnight!" Albus said as we walked past him we watched him go and was about to go in the common room when Ethan started walkin up the corridoor.

"Where you going now?" Albus said.

"To Hagrid's like you said, the nighti syoung and I'm not tired!" Ethan said.

"Well have a nice time and I'll see you tomorrow maybe!" Rose said.

"Why are you not going?" Ethan said.

"Oh come on then we don't want to disapoint Hagrid now, do we?" I said.

"Just go slowly and stay quiet we don't want to get caught again!" I whispered.

"Oh don't worry Rebecca we know!"  All three of them snapped at me.

"I said quiet down and what do you do, well you don't know if you are not whispering, like me!" I whispered they looked annoyed now but I was proving a point.

We walked the rest of the way in silence...


Thats it for now people wonder what will happen next not the wisest idea going to Hargrid's house in the dark i thought they would have learned from last time but anyway enjoy the next chapter...

Rebecca Lupin and The Escape of the death eaterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora