Secret Promise - Chapter 35

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°∴°˚ TJ °˚∴°

I hung up from the call from Jaebeom. My heart was heavy and the new burden I shared with him made me feel suffocated and trapped. I had insider information that my daughter couldn't be told. She would have her world crash down upon her in a few short hours when she would be told a lie implying that Jaebeom was seeing someone else. He would place her on a plane home to me without explanation or comment, and I wouldn't be able to say or do anything to console or reassure her. Worst still, I couldn't even share this information with Sam, as it was privileged and confidential communication between attorney and client, while at the same time it was so very personal.

"Sam, we need to talk," I said approaching him.

"You know I married you for many reasons. You're funny, caring, intelligent, and honest, to name a few traits. So many things about you make you the one I adore and love more than you can imagine, "I ventured forth carefully choosing my words.

"You're good with people and reading between the lines. I need you to use all those skills and listen to not only what I'm going to tell you, but what I can't tell you. Okay?"

Sam raised his eyebrows, cocked his head to the side and offered, "I'm listening. You have my full attention."

"That was Jaebeom. I can't get into the details," I let out a heavy sigh. "Sharay will be coming home on a flight that leaves out of Inchon tomorrow."

"Is everything okay between them?" he pressed.

"I can't get into that exactly. Just love and be there for her as you always are. If she wants to talk, listen to her. If she doesn't say anything, you're good at just being a strong support with your presence."

"I don't like where this is going. Did that boy hurt her in any way?" he asked, his protective dad mode coming to the front.

"Yes. But..." I stopped. "Please hear what I'm not saying," I begged.

Sam looked at me with careful scrutiny and then offered, "So you're saying that things may not be as they appear?"

In my best legal dodge I replied, "I can neither confirm nor deny that."

"I don't like this, but I think I may get where you're going."

As Sharay came into view as she emerged from the terminal exit, I could tell she'd all but shut down. I knew my daughter well. She wasn't one who regularly cried, unless it was the death of a loved pet or a fictional character she truly had come to love. She'd braved many storms in her life and rarely shed a tear. The only person who'd ever reached her deeply enough to bring her to tears had been Jaebeom, but this time she was stoic and held it all in. Though the pain was manifest in her posture and demeanor, her words sounded normal though her tone had a flat affect and her presentation was that of a hallow sunken shell.

Sharay was not one to openly want hugs and consolation on a good day. She tended to deal with her hurts and pain in a very private way. Knowing this, I didn't rush to hug her, but approached close enough to allow her the choice to initiate a hug. That hug was never given.

"Mom," she offered, "I need some space and time to think. Can you all just not mention him? I don't want to talk about it."

"I'll follow your lead on this," I assured her. "Just now you're not in this alone." This last part I said, knowing that she would think I was talking about our family, while I was including Jaebeom mentally in the mix.

That night, Sharay called Park Jin Young and let him know that she needed a break. Obviously he was aware of the media coverage of the blind date, so he knew why and didn't press any further. He told her to take whatever time she needed, but stressed that he valued her work and hoped she'd return soon.

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