It's been a while

3.8K 61 30

Hi everyone! Wow I don't even know where to begin. First of all I want to say I'm really really really sorry. As I got older, I started to grow out of wattpad and I started to enjoy doing other things. I forgot about this app for the past two years. I recently remembered it and I came on this account to be happily surprised with all of the wonderful comments you all left. And the insane amout votes and reads. You guys are the best. It put such a big smile on my face. I am so grateful for each and every one of you wonderful people. If you told me when I started this book that I would have 52k reads I definitely would not have believed you. Thank you guys so so much from the bottom of my heart! I have always had such a passion for writing. This means the world to me. This book is something I wrote when I was a lot younger and the writing quality is not very good at all. And because of that I do not have much motivation to finish this story. But there is something I would love to do. Although, I started to fall out of this fandom over the years, I would love to go back and edit this story and clean it up a lot. Make the writing a lot better quality. That way I will have a lot more motivation and maybe I'd be able to finish this story. Let me know if you think I should fix it up? And try to finish it after that?

Again, thank you guys so much for reading this book and taking this journey with me!

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