Chapter 17: So Close yet So Far

Start from the beginning

"Ah you somehow always bring a smile to my face" I smile back at him making him look down at the table then look back up at me with his smooth brown eyes that somehow make me melt. Wow I'm just looking into his eyes and already I'm feeling kind of hot maybe I have a fever.

"Hey what are friends for?" He shrugs his shoulders and places his hands onto mine whilst using his thumb to rub on my hand. I look down at our hands together and sigh, I don't do friends because they never stay or are never legit meaning Hoseok might do the same too. I'm just not in the mood for friends right now.

"I dunno I'm just not in the friend making mood-"

"Maze like I would never betray your trust I'm not that kind of guy who promises to be there for you then ditches you I actually stay especially when I'm friends with a genuine person such as yourself" he tells with his eyebrows furrowed. I look at his face and he looks very serious like he means every word that he is saying and to be honest with you I trust him, I believe that he won't hurt me because he himself is genuine. I finally found someone who is as trustworthy as me. "So when can I take you out dancing?" he asks me catching me off guard.

"I dunno my parents are pretty strict, I'll think about it" I respond not really 100% sure that I want to hangout with him privately because I know that I am still wanted for 10 million and what if someone tries to kidnap me and he is around. I don't want him to be caught in my drama, he doesn't deserve that.

"Ok then anyways I have a class in 5 minutes I'll see you around sweet cheeks" he gets up from his seat and waves goodbye making me wave goodbye too. I watch him leave with a smile on my face. I guess I'll be ok after all.


We wait outside the school gate in our black van checking if Hoseok has left the building. I told Joon and Yugyeom to lay low at school today because I didn't want Hoseok knowing that we are on to him. The school bell rings and all the students rush out of the building and from the corner of my eye I see Joon and Yugyeom following some guy in joggers who I'm guessing is Hoseok. As soon as they are out of sight they grab him and Chase opens the back of the van door as they throw him into the back then they themselves jump into the van and Trey begins to drive us back home as Bambam ties up Hoseok. That was easier than I thought it would be but then again Hoseok never really knew how to fight did he?

"Long time no see Hoseok" I hear Mark say with a bitter tone. He has his hands in a tight fist and looks like he's ready to beat the shit out of him.

"Not now Mark" I grab his arm and pull him back making Hoseok smile but that makes Mark angry and he punches him before sitting back down. We get to our house and we drag his body into out living room before placing him on the chair which has a blanket underneath it so his blood won't stain our floor.

"Oh come on guys we've done this before and it didn't work out-"

"Well its gonna work out today because there's nothing you can say nor do to make us keep you alive" I sternly say to him as I push him then spit down at him making him scoff at me. But he looks up at me with his famous smile not looking bothered about the situation.

"How about the word Maze?" he smirks and looks at me waiting for a reaction but I keep my face still even though I am raging inside.

"That means nothing to us" Mark speaks up after noticing that I wasn't going to say anything. Hoseok looks at Mark then begins to laugh out loud making us all look at him like he's lost his mind.

"Ok then so I can fuck her and kill her like I did to Mark's chick?" He asks with a cocky grin on his face forcing Mark to grab him by the collar and throw one hard punch at him.

"What do you want with Maze?" I spit at him but Hoseok just begins to hysterically laugh at us and we just look down at him pissed off and frustrated that he is not taking this serious. He's life is being threatened and he'e just sitting here laughing at us but we are the ones who's gonna get the last laugh.

"Come on guys GD has put 10 million on her head, I'm not your biggest problem the only thing I'll break is her heart then exchange her for cash to GD-"

He gets interrupted by my fist on his face causing him to lick off the blood from the corner of his lips.

"Come on at least I won't torture her like Jimin and his gang are planning to do" he adds bringing up Jimin probably trying to scare us into keeping him alive so we can use him for information but that shit won't work on me no more. If Jimin comes then I'll kill him like I'm gonna kill Hoseok. I take out my gun and aim it at his head with a smug look on my face.

Bang Bang Bang - someone violently bangs on our front door making me roll my eyes. I place my gun in my back pocket and make my way towards the front door pissed off. Who the fuck would come to our house? Like who the fuck has the right to distract me from killing one of my worst enemies, do you know what I might just kill who's at the door as well for interrupting me.

"Fucking hell we are busy... Oh Maze what are you doing here?" I quickly change my tone as soon as I meet eyes with an angry looking Maze. She looks like she's out of breath and her forehead is sweating, did she run all the way here? But why?

"I think you have something that belongs to me" she sternly says with her arms crossed. This really isn't a good time for her to be popping in for a visit even though I want her to come back so I can see her she still shouldn't be here especially right now.

"What exactly?" I ask her as I try my best to close the door so she can't see what's happening inside.


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