Chapter Twenty-four | Trust

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Sam’s POV

The next day, I drove the both of us to the station; a comfortable silence between us.

I was now sitting in my chair, watching the skin on my right hand vanish, then come back again. I stared at the white plastic, and thought about all the years I have been like this; yet I didn't know.

I heard footsteps coming toward me, so I quickly connected that portion of skin again.

“We uh, have an investigation to go to, Sam. You alright?” I heard Hank's raspy voice behind me, and I continued to look at my lap.

“I'm fine. Are we taking your car, or mine?” I questioned.

“Uh mine. Sam, can we please--"

“I'll be out in the car if you need me.” I said, putting on my coat and boots. I avoided eye-contact as best as I could; my eyes started to burn, and I didn't want Hank to see me cry.

Truth-be-told, he hurt me. A lot. For twelve years, I believed I was like everyone else. Now I'm right in between, and I don't know where I stand. What even am I? A hybrid, yes. But what am I considered? Android, or human?

I tucked my phone into my coat pocket, and walked out of the office, through the doors, then to Hank's car.

I pulled the door handle, but it didn't budge.

“God dammit. Good goin, Sam..” I mumbled to myself. It's too embarrassing to go inside now…

I leaned against his car with my arms folded, and stared at the ground. I heard footsteps nearing, but I didn't bother looking up.

“Sam, can we talk about last night?” His smooth voice echoed through my mind as he spoke; and I could tell it was Connor. His voice is so damn mesmerising, how could I not recognize it?

“About my dad..?” I looked up, and gazed into his golden-brown eyes. His LED shined a bright yellow, and he tilted his head.

“No. About your… Feelings toward me.. I need you to elaborate. I would like to understand more.” He said, crossing his arms behind his back

I blushed, and started playing with my hair tie.

“I… I really like you. There's really no point in trying to hide it anymore.” I paused, and looked to his lips. A small smile appeared on his face, and his eyes had that small glint in them once again.

The butterflies fluttered around my stomach, and I wanted so badly to hug him-- but then Hank made his way over, and I focused my attention on him.

Why do I even lo-- like.. him? He's bad for me!! I thought to myself. He's bad for me…

Connor's POV

As Connor strut himself over to Sam, he scanned her. Her heart rate increased once he spoke, and he enjoyed making her feel like this. But he knew it hurt her.

He was hoping she would be able to explain her feelings for him more than she already did, but she only told him that she liked him

He was pretty positive that meant a crush. He still wasn't up-to-date with all of these odd human words, but he got the gist of it.

A crush is when a person likes the other, in more than a friend type of way. Love is when someone can't stop that feeling.

And as far as Connor is concerned, that feeling hasn't gone away.

But maybe that's okay.

He was now sitting in the back seat with Samantha, and Hank and Sam were quietly arguing back and forth.

“Sam, will you please hear me out?” Hank questioned; regret flowing through his words.

“I would have gladly heard you out when I was fifteen, and it had just happened! I thought it was a miracle-- but it was just science! I'm a damn freak, Hank!”

Connor still didn't know what they were arguing about, though. No one had told him, and he was kind of feeling a bit left out.

He looked down at Sam’s hand that was rested on her thigh.

Dare I? Will she allow me to? He thought to himself.

He looked down at his hands that were folded together on his lap.

“..Hank, it just hurts that you didn't tell me! I thought you trusted me.. I trust you, Hank! Heck, I trust you like a father! It's just so upsetting..” She looked out the window, and used her right arm to hold her head up.

Connor reached over, and gently held her left hand in his. Samantha looked over, and a red tint spread across her face; her heart rate speeding up a bit more the longer she looked at him.

He squeezed her hand to comfort her, then looked out the window himself; taking in the feeling of her real skin against his artificial.

He didn't want this to end. He very much enjoyed it.

“I didn't want to hurt you, darlin! Now I see I've only made things worse. What do you want me to do?” Hank asked as he parked in the lot at the Stratford Tower.

Samantha shrugged beside Connor, and opened the door.

“There's nothing you really can do.” She replied. Sam walked toward the building doors, and entered without the duo.

“I can't believe I'm askin this..” Hank mumbled to himself. “Connor, what do I do?”

Connor tilted his head to the side for a second, and thought about it.

“Do you want me to talk to her?” He questioned.

Hank sighed, and gripped the steering wheel tightly.

“Yes.. I think that may be best for now..”

A/N: Apologies for not uploading anything yesterday (besides the a/n)!!

I have a friend over, so I've been a wee bit distracted!

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, and it (hopefully) satisfied your needs!!

Requests for fluff and other stuff is always welcome for this story!!

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I would really appreciate cute fluff and stuffs for later chapters! (Please and thanks

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I would really appreciate cute fluff and stuffs for later chapters! (Please and thanks.)

Very much love ♡♡♡

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