Chapter Twenty | Thoughtful

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Sam’s POV

“I'm sorry, my love.” Connor got out of his seat, then started running as fast as he could.

“Connor?!?” I stood up, then looked back to Hank and Fowler; confusion encircling their faces.

I shrugged, and started running after him.


Once I made it out of the building, I noticed him run to the back of the department, so I followed as fast as I could.

“CON--" I squealed as someone grabbed me from behind, and covered my mouth.

I bit their hand, and tried to pull their free arm off of me; kicking and hitting them as I did so.


“Shut up! Shut UP!” His familiar voice rang in my ears as I struggled.


“LET GO OF ME!! HELP! CON--” He kneed my lower back, and covered my mouth once more.

From around the corner, I noticed Connor come out with his gun raised.

“Fuck.” My dad groaned as he started pulling me to follow him.

“Lieutenant Anderson, come out to the front of the building: it's an emergency!” Connor called Hank out, then ran after us.

I finally kicked free and ran as fast as I could to the front doors, when my dad tackled me to the ground; my body hitting the concrete with a hard thud.

The oxygen left my lungs immediately, and I struggled to do anything at that point.

“C-Connor…” I tried to say Hank’s name as well, but nothing was coming out.

The body was pulled off of me, and I could finally breathe clearly again.

I sat up, and seen Hank sitting on top of my dad; punching him over and over again.

I stumbled over to them, and tried to pull him away.

“H-Hank, stop!” I grabbed onto his shoulders, and pulled him back as I fell over. My dad ran away in a limp as fast as he could, causing Hank to start yelling.

“What the fuck, Sam?? I almost had him! I coulda fuckin killed that son of a bitch!” He turned around to face me, and his anger slowly faded away.

“Shit-- I’m sorry, Sam. How bad do ye hurt?” I shrugged, and turned my head towards Connor; who was walking back into the department.

Oh how bad that hurt.

Usually in these situations, Connor would be down on his knees to help me. Even if it’s just a scratch. Now it’s almost as if he doesn’t care anymore..

Hank protectively walked behind me as I slouched my way into the bathroom to fix myself up-- of course, he walked back to his desk once we made it to the hallway.

I half-expected Connor to come in-- because maybe now he would want to help. Nope.

My bottom lip trembled as I tried to keep the tears from falling; my eyes stung, and my throat felt as if it were starting to close.

“Dammit!” I slammed my fist on the counter in a rage. I sighed, and grabbed the washcloth on the sink next to my hand.

I soaked the rag in the water, and started cleaning my cuts from the pavement.

Can’t I get a goddamn break??

Connor’s POV

Connor could see what was happening outside-- but he couldn’t do anything. His body could-- Amanda could, but he couldn’t.

Connor watched in terror as Samantha was being attack by who he presumed to be her father.

“NO! SAMANTHA! AMANDA, PLEASE! HELP HER!” Connor yelled in apprehension. He wasn’t sure Amanda even heard him as his voice echoed through his own mind.

Was Amanda even the one controlling him??

The snow grew heavier, and he was finding it extremely unpleasant to walk in.

Connor looked toward ‘the block’ and noticed there was no snow piling up in there. He held his jacket as he strode to the dark square.

When he walked up to it, he noticed that the ‘kiss Samantha’ wall was shattered to the ground, and all that was left was the ‘Become a Deviant’ wall.

Oh how tempted he was to break it.

Connor attempted to walk into the block,  but was stopped by another clear mask.

“No..” He mumbled. “NO!”

He shook in anger as he started lashing out on the invisible wall; and right when he hit it, he shot back exactly fourteen feet back-- a loss of breath soon following.

Connor turned back toward the screen where it showed the outside, and suffered as he watched his body walk away from a torn-up Sam.

He wanted to help her so bad-- and she would never know! He wanted to pull her into a tight hug, and stroke her hair until she was calmed down. He wanted to sit with Samantha on the ground and patch up her wounds; feeling his artificial skin tingle whenever he touched her. But he couldn’t.

And now he has no way of telling her.

He watched in helplessness, as Samantha walked back to her desk from the bathroom; wiping obvious tears away.

“Giving up, Connor?” Amanda’s voice chirped. He clenched his fists as he stood up.

“No, I--” He stopped himself mid sentence as he thought.

Maybe if she starts to trust him again, she’ll take the wall down-- or better yet, he may be able to control himself again!

“I don’t- I don’t know what you mean by giving up..” He looked around him, to find the source of her voice. “You know I always complete my mission, Amanda!”

He waited for a response, and continued when he didn’t hear anything.

“I.. Don’t care about Samantha!!” He felt his thirium pumper slow down as he spoke. If anything, he cared too much for her. “I just want to get out, and solve the deviant cases! Just like I was programmed. I’ve done exactly as I’ve been told, am I wrong?”

It was silent for a moment, until Amanda finally spoke up.

“You let the gi-- androids at the Eden Club go. You didn’t even try to shoot, Connor.” She responded hesitantly.

“I wouldn’t have gotten answers out of them if they were dead. They got away too fast; even if I wanted to use the gun, there was a ninety-one percent chance of a backfire. You’ve always told me to try my best to stay alive during a mission.” Amanda appeared in front of him as he spoke; a thoughtful look upon her face.

“If I see any more signs of deviancy from you, or notice that wall break; you’ll end up back here. This is your last chance, Connor. I can’t do anything else for you.” Amanda almost looked sorry as she spoke, but she still had that emotionless smile plastered on her face.

Connor nodded; and the second he blinked, he was back in the office. He smiled to himself as he scanned his own body.

“Connor, are you listening?? We’re goin to Kamski’s to see if he knows anything else about deviants. Come on.” Hank grunted as he put his coat on.

Connor stood up, and watched as Samantha put her boots on.

Chance of becoming a deviant: 79%

A/N: Hello, I'm kind of iffy about this chapter.. Not sure if I like it. I will say one thing, though: stuff goes down in the next couple chapters!

Oh I'm excited!

(p.s, I accidentally cried when the baby started crying in my arms. I think I'm more of a baby than she is XD)

Requests for chapters/scenes are always welcome! (And appreciated)

Very much love ♡♡♡ :)

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