Chapter 33: Lost

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2 years ago. September 1997. Unknown Location.

Draco sat quietly all alone, once again back in his parents' summer vacation home in hiding. After the attack at the Burrow, Remus and the others had come to him telling him that he needed to go underground, to hide from the Death Eaters. Draco was now a core target, like Harry, from the Death Eaters and would be brought straight to Voldemort if captured. He shuddered at the thought of it.

Back that night, he had originally refused Remus' pleads for him to stay incognito because he wanted to go after Harry, fearing that he may be in danger. After much persuasion from both Molly and Ginny Weasley, assuring him that Harry will be alright, Draco had finally agreed and took Hedwig with him to the Malfoy summer home. He had offered the Weasleys and the others to come with them, thinking it was the least he could do in return, but they simply refused politely, telling him it was too risky and that they might attract suspicion if more people went.

Which is why Draco found himself yet again, pacing in his own home like a lunatic, worrying about Harry again. He hasn't heard from him for a month now, his worry became worse and his sleepless nights certainly don't help either. The only last words Harry had sent him was delivered through his signature stag Patronus.

I'm okay. Please don't come looking for me. Stay safe.

And that was that. 10 words. 10 simple words were the last words he had heard from Harry for a month now. There were so many times where he wanted to write a reply, to let him know that he wanted to look for him, to ask him if he was okay. There were so many times where he pulled out his wand to cast a patronus. But Draco knew it was too risky, and there was always a chance of getting caught, and he didn't want to send Hedwig out or cast a patronus. Especially since his patronus is so recognisable.

And now he was left worrying all alone

There was a screech from outside the window as Hedwig came swooping in with today's copy of The Owl Times. Draco almost never ordered from The Daily Prophet, he and his family always thought the stories were far too exaggerated and untrue. The paper landed with a loud smack on the coffee table in front of the fireplace. Draco sighed and sat down on the sofa to read, but the moment he picked the paper up, his eyes widened as he scanned the headline.


Harry James Potter was sighted in the British Ministry of Magic yesterday. The said boy proceeded to attack a member of the Ministry officials, High Inquisitor Dolores Umbridge, before taking off using one of the Ministry Floos to apparate away. The Potter boy was also seen accompanied by Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. The three were said to have used Polyjuice Potion to disguise themselves in order to enter the Ministry. His suspected partner, Draco Malfoy was not seen in yesterday's attack. (For more information on Harry Potter's attack, please see Article 1 of Page 7.)

Draco sighed heavily as he read on to see if there was any more information on Harry's attack on Umbitch. Instead, what he read next, although not relating to Harry's attack, sent shivers down his spine as he gulped, biting his lip and forcing his tears to stay unshed.


In other news, there was a number of Death Eater attacks seen in Muggle Britain. Towns and cities such as Bristol, Glastonbury, Edinburgh, London, Manchester and Brighton have reported Death Eater attacks. A muggle family of 4 had been attacked, causing the deaths of parents Nancy and Gerald Birling, leaving their two sons Gideon and Neal parentless. Another muggle family of 5 have been reported missing after a recent Death Eater attack, the family had 3 children, two of which are twins barely over a year old. ( For more information on these attacks please see Page 3. )

It is through the harsh and true words written in the newspaper that Draco had now realised how truly terrifying a real war was. When he was little, he would always ask his mother to read him bedtime stories of the days of battle between Dumbledore and Grindelwald back a long time ago. He had wanted to become as strong as a wizard like Dumbledore and wanted to lead a powerful army of his own. It isn't until now that he realises why war is nothing to hope for.

Finally setting down the paper, he closed his eyes and exhaled, letting a tear fall. Although he was raised and taught that Muggles were lesser and disposable, looking at the article only made him realise that they were no different, that they had a life, had families, got married and grew old together as well. It was too much for him, he now knew how Harry felt. He made his decision.

Quickly and hurriedly, he wiped his tears away and stood from the sofa. He went to his room and quickly grabbed a bag, casting an extension charm in it and putting in all sorts of things. He put in both his and Dumbledore's wand, a few books, some extra clothes, hair gel, cologne, and all sorts of essentials. Once all packed, he stepped back into the living area, where Hedwig stayed perched up on top of the sofa, he looked at the owl once before opening the window. Hedwig flew over to him as he petted the snowy owl softly and looked out into the hills beside his summer home.

"It's not safe for you here, Hedwig." He said to the owl and sighed out loud to himself. "Harry will hate me for doing this."

The owl hooted back at him as Draco slowly turned to her, crouching down and petting it's snow white fur.

"It's Muggle Scotland here, so there's a lot of hills and wildlife. You'll be able to survive out here."

Hedwig hooted and flew over to where the newspaper was, pecking at Harry's photo which was displayed on the headline before turning to look back at Draco. Draco chuckled and shook his head sadly.

"I know, I miss him too. It'll be a while until you see him again." Draco said sadly. "Come to look for Harry and me when this is all over...if we even manage to survive."

Hedwig made no movement, and Draco thought she didn't understand, but then she flew onto Draco shoulder and nuzzled his cheek, and before Draco could say anything, she took off again with a screech out the windows into the Muggle World.

Draco smiled at the snowy owl, glad that at least she was away from all the madness and war, and away from all the danger that Draco was about to get himself into. Draco's gaze turned to his right hand, on the green and silver ring seated on his ring finger and held it up, remembering the words he had told Harry. ' These rings are a symbol that no matter what the world throws at us. We will always find each other.' The ring on his finger glowed a dim white light and Draco knew where he needed to go. With one final look at Hedwig flying over the hills of Scotland, he turned away from the window and took a deep breath.

"I will always find you, Harry."

He turned his heel and apparated away on the spot.

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