Chapter 13: Twin Hearts

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3 years ago. 6th Year. Hogwarts.

Draco and Harry stayed for what seemed like centuries in each other's company after the kiss. Both were silent at first with deep red blushes, but it wasn't awkward or uncomfortable. They stayed in the room for the majority of the day. Both had breakfast and lunch together in the room as it supplied them with countless other things. Draco read a book while Harry tried practising spells on his own. One of the spells misfired and turned Draco's hair pink, freaking him out so much that he threw a fit and demanded Harry, who was rolling on the floor laughing to change it back. Eventually, he reluctantly did. They stayed for hours and hours laughing and spending time with each other, talking about Quidditch and all sorts of nonsense, Draco's worries were forgotten, but not for long...

It was almost nightfall. Draco looked down at their intertwined hands and unconsciously stroked Harry's palm with his thumb.

Harry looked up at Draco who was gazing intently at him. Harry blinked.

"What?" He asked him, blushing.

Draco smiled at him. "What have I done to deserve you?"

Harry blinked again, and being the oblivious idiot he is, did not know what Draco meant. "Did... did you not like the kiss?"

Draco shook his head gently and chuckled. "Like... would be an understatement."

"S-So you hated it?" Harry asked fearfully.

"You're so stupid sometimes I almost feel sorry for you." Draco laughed again before kissing Harry softly on the cheek and gave him another small smile. "I loved it, silly. Or else I would've hexed you and leave."

Harry blushed before looking away and bit his lip. Draco wrapped his arms around the smaller boy and Harry relaxed his head onto Draco's chest, listening to the thump of his heartbeat.

"I need to go soon," Harry said to him softly but made no move of pulling away. "It's almost nightfall."

"I know."

Harry looked away before he seemed to ponder something, the sudden change in the air told Draco that something was wrong.

"Draco?" Harry's voice sounded again.


"Was it you... who poisoned Slughorn's bottle of mead?" He said, but there was no venom or sense of threat in his voice.

Draco shut his eyes and looked away, not daring to meet Harry's gaze, but he supposed there was no point in hiding it now, even though a part of him feared that Harry would completely reject him after he told him the truth. After all, he did almost kill his best friend. He slowly opened his eyes and lifted his head up to meet Harry, but turned away completely once he locked gazes with him, not daring to speak.

His silence already gave Harry the answer he needed.

He heard Harry sigh as his hold on Draco's hand loosened and their intertwined hands were broken. Draco took this as a bad sign and made to stand up and leave.

"I understand if you don't-" He was then interrupted by Harry's warm hands softly cup his jaw and pulled him back down onto his lap, straddling him and stroked his thumb across his rosy cheeks.

"Look." He said softly. "Whatever you did is not gonna change anything between us, okay?"

Draco chuckled sadly. "That's quite a lot of faith you're putting on me." 

"I know, and there's a reason for it." Harry smiled at him and Draco opened his eyes only for them to flutter close again as Harry kissed him softly on the lips. He pulled back as Draco looked at him with a teary smile and chuckled. "I saw you that night by the way... you were coming here, I followed you."

The Boy who lived and The Boy who survived (Drarry)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ