Chapter 8: Relisation

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3 years ago. 6th Year. Hogwarts.

Draco awoke to a soft snore from beside him. He bolted up and panicked before remembering the events that took place before he dozed off. He looked down at Harry still clinging onto his waist and his glasses had fallen off of his face and were on the pillow. He wore a small smile on his face as he snuggled closer to Draco. Draco smiled and blushed at the movement as he reached out as played with Harry's hair. It was delicate but his curly hair made it almost impossible to run his hand through without at least getting tangled in some strands.

Draco smiled at the sleeping boy again. Although it was short and unexpected, just these past few days have already made them almost inseparable. Harry had made him feel safe, feel happy, feel... loved... Draco stopped playing with Harry's hair and blinked twice. Loved? He shook his head before sighing sadly. No... Nobody could love him.

A soft grunt from beside him and a small movement awoken him from his daydreaming. He looked over at Harry shuffled in his sleep and was lying face towards the ceiling, one of his hands still on Draco's waist while the other was dangling off the bed. Draco chuckled to himself and laughed quietly. Draco wanted to thank him for what he did last night, he really did. And he supposes Harry wanted to talk about it as well.

He cast a tempus charm. It was 9:50 p.m.

Shit. They had detention in 10 minutes. They can talk later because Snape would kill them if they missed it.

"Potter." Draco shook the sleeping boy. "Potter! Harry, wake up!"

"No...five more minutes." Harry drawled sleepily before snuggling closer to Draco and rested his head on his thigh.

Draco blushed and felt a warm feeling filled his stomach before he slowly tried to move Harry's head away. "H-Harry, we have detention in 10 minutes, Snape's going to kill us if we don't make it in time."

Hearing those words, Harry sprang up immediately, wide awake.

"Shit shit shit!" He cursed, trying to find his robes and shoes.

Draco laughed at his desperate attempt to get ready and just shook his head. He took his wand out and with a swish and flick. Both he and Harry had there robes and shoes on and were ready to go.

"How'd you do that?" Harry looked down at his robes that weren't there a minute ago.

"Magic? Duh." Draco laughed and Harry joined in as well.


They entered his classroom, out of breath at 10:01. They were one minute late. Snape was writing on his desk as he spoke darkly to them, not bothering to look up from his work.

"You're late, Mr Potter, and Mr Malfoy."

But Harry smirked before straightening himself and crossed his arms. "A wizard is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to."

Snape now slowly looked up at him with an unamused look on his face. "I suppose you think that was terribly clever. Do you, Mr Potter?"

Draco nudged Harry with a frown, he didn't want to get on Snape's bad side at this time of the day and Harry was already getting there just by talking to him.

"Sorry," Harry whispered to Draco with a laugh. "Muggle movie reference."

"What on Earth's a movie?" Draco whispered back with a raised eyebrow. Harry opened his mouth but was interrupted by a very impatient Snape.

"15 points from Gryffindor for being late and causing the distraction of other students... Now sit down, the both of you." He drawled.

Harry and Draco obliged and unconsciously sat next to each other amidst all the empty seats in the classroom. Snape raised an eyebrow to which both Harry and Draco both looked away in embarrassment.

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