Chapter 10: Heartless

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3 years ago. 6th Year. Malfoy Manor & Hogwarts.

"My Lord..." Peter Pettigrew shakily kneeled down in front of the Dark Lord. "Master Malfoy has arrived."

"Send him in."

Lucius came hurrying over, head down as he knelt in front of Voldemort. Voldemort took a breath before walking around Lucius in circles. "It has come to my attention recently that young Draco here is not completing his task as I have ordered him." He said darkly as Nagini slithered beside him. "Such insubordination will not be tolerated."

Lucius looked up. His skin appeared yellowish and waxy in the firelight and his eyes were sunken and shadowed. When he spoke, his voice was hoarse. "F-Forgive me, My Lord..."

Voldemort scoffed before continuing. "I trust you'll know what will happen if he fails to complete his mission." He said darkly and narrowed his dark red eyes at him.

Lucius glumped. "He will not, my Lord. I can assure you."

"Only time will tell." Voldemort sneered as he walked back to his chair and sat down. The huge snake resting beside the chair emerged to climb up slowly. It rose, seemingly endlessly, and came to rest across Voldemort's shoulders: its neck the thickness of a man's thigh; its eyes, with their vertical slits for pupils, unblinking. Voldemort stroked the creature absently with long, thin fingers, still looking at Lucius. "Find Severus... Bring him to me."


"You summoned me, My Lord?" Snape said as he stepped into the grand hall of Malfoy Manor, where the Dark Lord was waiting with Nagini still beside him.

"This is taking far too long, Severus..."

Snape was silent. He knew that Draco's mind was drifting away from the mission at hand... But something must have happened if Voldemort decided to hurry things up.

"What do you suggest we do, My Lord?"

He sent Snape a glare before ignoring his question and answered back with one of his own. "Has it come to your notice, Severus... that Draco Malfoy has been neglecting his duties as my loyal subject?"

Snape internally cursed. "I'm afraid not, My Lord."

"Hmmm..." Voldemort hummed. "This is a complication."

Voldemort pondered for a moment then turned to Snape once again before pointing at him. "You will do it, Severus."

"My Lord?"

"Repair the vanishing cabinet." He walked up to him. "Do not disappoint me like he did."

"As you wish, my lord," Snape replied.

Voldemort smiled darkly before turning to Lucius again. "You and Narcissa will join the raid to Hogwarts at the night of the attack on Dumbledore."

"...And what of the headmaster?" Snape spoke again. "Would you like me to kill him as well, My Lord?"

"No...The boy will still do it... but consider this his last chance..." Voldemort smiled darkly again before narrowing his eyes at Lucius, who was looking extremely pale. "This time... if he should fail... kill his family."

Lucius' eyes widened as he stepped back fearfully.

"And what of the boy himself, My Lord? Would you like to kill him afterwards?"

Voldemort's smile only grew wider. "No... take him back to the Manor and imprison him below... let him drown in his misery, leave him here to rot..."


The moment Snape returned to Hogwarts he stormed his way through the empty corridors and into the Slytherin common room. He didn't care if he woke the whole house. He didn't care if he had awoken all the portraits from their sleep. He stormed up to Draco and Blaise's room before swinging the door open furiously.

The Boy who lived and The Boy who survived (Drarry)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora