Chapter 28: Fear and Dead Men

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2 Years ago. Summer before 7th Year. The Ministry of Magic

When the Minister of Magic apparated back into the Ministry, what he did not expect to see was the hundreds of wizards and witches screaming and running for their lives. Screams of fear and sounds of spells being cast sounded the whole room as The Minister gaped in a state of shock as a hand grabbed his arm.

One of his assistants panted for breath as Scrimgeour grasped his shoulders and shook him.

"What's happening?" He said panicking. "Who did this?"

"The Death Eaters..." He said to him. "They're all here."

Hearing this, the Minister tried to apparate away, but it didn't work no matter how hard he tried turning his heel. He turned to the Auror.

"Why can't we apparate?!"

"They tampered with the apparation wards." He panted. "They told us to either join them or die."

More screams and shouts filled the atmosphere as the Minister scanned the room for an exit.

"And the floos?" He asked.

"All disabled except one."

His eyes widened. "My office." 


Voldemort observed the chaos surrounding the Ministry just below him through the window of the Minister's office and reordered it behind the red glow of his cold eyes. He recognized the efforts of Aurors and Death Eaters, battling fiercely while green and red sparks flew out of their wands on both sides as he gazed down from the Minister's office.

He saw the battles between his army and the Aurors in all dimensions of battle and was instinctively aware of how each spell could contribute to the ultimate victory or defeat. Streams of magic poured from the tip of Auror's wands towards the Death Eaters, illuminating the darkness like lightning.

"The Minister of Magic has returned, my Lord," Ravenna spoke crisply at Voldemort's side. The Dark Lord did not turn to her while she spoke. "But he is planning to escape through the floo in his office since the others are disabled."

The Dark Lord stared at the chaos and madness beneath him. There was death at play, suffering and fear, yes... ... Yet only one person concerned him right now.

"Prepare a welcoming party." He said. "I will deal with the Minister myself."

"Yes, my Lord."


"We've got the Minister, let's go!" One of the Aurors said while shielding the Minister and flighting off spells that came his way.

The group of Aurors shielded the Minister from all directions as they ran up towards the Minister's office, where the only remaining floo was. They could not apparate now since The Death Eaters had tampered with the wards.

The Minister did not look back, despite the screams of terror and explosions of spells behind him. He ran and held his wand tightly, looking out for any Death Eaters that could pounce out at any minute.

The ran up the spiral staircase and into the lift which leads them to the office. The doors opened as they rushed down the dark corridor. The Minister's office door was wide open. They ran faster as fast as their legs can carry them. Until the door slammed shut the second before they reached it.

One of the Aurors banged furiously and cast an Alohomora but it was no use. And that's when they realised. Someone was spelling the door shut.

Slowly, their shouting quieted down as they turned around to face the dark corridor. It was so dark that they couldn't possibly see who was coming as they drew their wands tighter, hands trembling... And that's when they heard it...

The softest of footsteps, the haunting voice...

The corridor lights flickered again while the Ministry alarm blared. Although all alone, The Dark Lord was troubled by neither. He took another step forward and drew his wand. The crackling of magic at the end of his wand ready to fire. The green glow of the killing curse lit up the corridor as he gazed hauntingly at the Aurors and the Minister and let out a dark smile.

"You're surrounded!" The Minister said to Voldemort. "Drop your wand!"

Despite the dozens of wand pointed at him, Voldemort simply laughed darkly and turned to look and the Minister, raising his own wand.

"All I am surrounded by is fear... and dead men ."

The Minister and Aurors only stiffined in fear, knowing that this would be the last thing they've thing before they die.


Beams of magic shot from the Aurors' wands as Voldemort wound through the corridor leaving corpses behind him. Bright lights of spells fired at him but he blocked, deflected each one with ease knocking out the spells with his own. He bolstered his pace and tore a wand from one of the Aurors with a might that defied nature, pulling the wand out of his hand, and marched on. He delivered Killing curse after Killing curse, awakened and relentless as bodies collapsed onto the floor. 

He found his prey at last backed against the office door, trying to get in all by himself to escape from his demise. Voldemort pointed his wand at him and by movement alone, he pulled ,casting a wandless Accio . He fueled the spell with his rage and need, combined with the fear he fed off the Aurors, it was enough to tear the Minister from the door and dropped him to his feet.

The Minister made to draw his wand again but Voldemort's crucio struck him, causing him to collapse to the floor again, crying out in pain.

"Where is he?" Voldemort looked into his eyes for an answer, trying to read his mind, until he was struck back by a sudden unexpected spell, lifting the cruciatus curse temporarily.

Scrimgeour had managed to take hold of his wand and throw off Voldemort while he tried to read his mind. The distraction, however, didn't faze Voldemort in the slightest.

The Dark Lord simply smiled.

"We need not be adversaries, Rufus..." He said darkly. "I will show you mercy if you tell me where Harry Potter can be found."

"That's a lie and you know it," Scrimgeour replied, his wand hand shook furiously. "I will never reveal the location of Harry Potter to the likes of you."

Voldemort struck another crucio at him as the Minister's wand clattered to the floor. He tried reading his mind again but his occlumency shields were too strong. But he doesn't miss the fear radiating off Scrimgeour.

He smiled.

"I don't fear you," Scrimgeour said through the torture curse when he saw Voldemort's haunting smile.

"Then you will die braver than most."

The curse struck harder as Scrimgeour howled and doubled over in pain. Voldemort cackled darkly at him as he lifted the curse to deliver the finishing blow.

But at that moment, Voldemort saw the truth clearly in the Minister's eyes as he drew his wand back. Oh yes ... it was written all over his face.

"Perhaps I was wrong." Voldemort pointed his wand at him for the last time. "Avada Kedrava!"


Kingsley crouched as he dodged another curse, it flew right past him and struck the marble wall, sending bits flying all over the place. He looked around. It was now or never. He drew his wand and pointed it firmly into the air.

"Expecto Patronum!"

His lynx patronus shot out of his wand as it turned to him. Kingsley looked around before speaking, panic and fear in his voice.

"Go to the Burrow. Tell them, tell them all! 'The Ministry has fallen. The Minister of Magic is dead. They're coming..."

The lynx didn't wait for another second as it sped off quickly through the walls of the Ministry and into the dark night, off to the Burrow.

The Boy who lived and The Boy who survived (Drarry)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin