Chapter 15: Inevitable

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3 years ago. 6th Year. Hogwarts.

The door to the Room of Requirement opened once again as Harry walked in. Draco looked up from the book he was reading and walked towards him. Harry embraced him in a hug and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"How'd it go?" Draco finally asked.

"Brilliant!" Harry smiled at him and they both sat down on the sofa in front of the fireplace. "We managed to get Slughorn's memories and-"

"That's...not what I meant, Harry." Draco sighed.

"Oh... right..." Harry draped an arm over Draco shoulder and squeezed. "He knows."

Draco just gave a light chuckle and continued to stare into the amber flames. "Why am I not surprised? The old man practically knows everything... what did he say?"

Harry rubbed his nose bridge. "He doesn't know what he's going to do. He wouldn't tell me... only told me he can't stop what's coming."

Draco leaned onto Harry's side and exhaled.

"I have to go again soon, Draco. I have my own mission to complete with Dumbledore." He said sadly.

"What mission?"

"I can't say." He sighed.

Draco laughed bitterly. "Looks like we're both just pawns in their little game."

"Yeah..." Harry laughed with him. "It appears that we are..."

They stayed there as they gazed into the flickering flames of the fireplace. Both knew they were coming closer to the start of a war, that something bad was going to happen, but both didn't want to believe it or talk about it, For it'll become too real for him to comprehend.

"It's nightfall." Harry gazed out the windows the room made for them. "I have to go."

"Come to find me again afterwards," Draco said without looking at him, he blushed. "I'll be in the Slytherin dorms by then."

"I'll try to." He smiled at him and patted his cheek.

"Be safe, Harry," Draco said to him as he stood up from the sofa. "And don't do anything reckless."

"No promises." Harry smiled and leaned down to kiss him softly. Draco's hand found the back of Harry's neck as he pushed deeper into the kiss, not wanting him to go. But he reluctantly let go and smiled sadly at him.

"Go. The old man's probably already waiting for you."

Harry nodded and disappeared once more.


"Have you ever considered that you ask too much? That you take too much... for granted?" Severus Snape said to Dumbledore as the headmaster gaze onto the grounds of Hogwarts. "Has it ever crossed your brilliant mind that I don't, want, to, do this, anymore?"

"Whether it has or hasn't is irrelevant." The headmaster replied swiftly. "I will not negotiate with you, Severus."

Harry heard the two men argue in the distance as he walked up the metal stairs that lead to the top of the astronomy tower.

"But now the boy is in danger, can't you see?" He said to him. "Have you ever once stopped to think of the impact it might have on other people's lives?"

"There are things that are far worse than death, Severus... you must understand." He sighed. "You agreed, nothing more to discuss."

Snape didn't say another word, but whipped his cloak around and stormed away angrily. He stopped when he saw Harry and eyed him suspiciously, before continuing down the tower without another word.

The Boy who lived and The Boy who survived (Drarry)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora