Chapter 32: The Boy Who Lived

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Many years ago. Godric's Hollow. The day of the Death of Lily and James Potter.

The log crackled in the fire as Ravenna stared hauntingly into space back at her house as if seeming to question everything. Her eyes were red and puffy and her face was pale as she sat quietly on the couch of her home with the Dark Lord beside her, a mysterious dark smile on his lips. Ravenna clenched tighter on the baby rattle hung around her neck as another silent tear fell from her eyes.

"Kill them."

She spoke for the first time since the events of a few nights ago. The death of her daughter, Eris had broken her, destroyed her, and now, she will never be the same.

"Of course, my dear." The Dark Lord drawled, tracing a finger on Ravenna's jaw, but she didn't move or flinch at the touch. "How may I find them?"

Slowly, she turned and looked at him, her face expressionless as she uttered the next two words.

" Peter Pettigrew ."

Voldemort smiled darkly and apparated away without another word.


Lily and James Potter have remained silently in their home since the night of Eris' death. Their wards were up at the strongest defence and they were always alert, almost never leaving the house, fearing that Ravenna and Voldemort will attack them. They were convinced that their house at Godric's Hollow was the safest place for them, not knowing that their death only looms in the corner of this fateful day.

Lily and James were not the same joyful, carefree, playful people they were since their time at Hogwarts, the news of Harry being the chosen one had affected them greatly, and now with Eris' death, only made things worse. They were always on edge, always alert at the slightest of sounds or the slightest disturbance of the wards.

Lily was sat down quietly in the living room, reading a book, while Harry slept soundly in the nursery. James was in the kitchen drinking a bottle of firewhiskey, hoping it would wash his worries away. His guilt for causing the death of Ravenna's child had not dampened in the slightest because a huge part of him knows that what is done cannot be reversed, no matter how hard he tried hoping.

Suddenly, the floo to the living room flared to life as a package addressed to the Potters came bursting out of the flames and onto the floor with a loud thud. Lily's wand was drawn in an instant as she slowly neared the package, James slowly following from the kitchen, his wand drawn too. Lily only sighed in relief and pocketed her wand when she saw who it was from.

Peter Pettigrew.

James came to a stop beside her and knelt down to unbox the package, and frowned when he opened and looked inside.

"Look what Peter sent us for Harry, unicorns." He said the last word with disgust as he pulled out a baby mobile filled with creatures dangling from it. He threw it back into the package with a huff. "Get it out of here. I don't want it."

"James, it's just a mobile," Lily said from beside him.

"A unicorn gave me a vision, which ultimately led me to cause the death of Ravenna's child. "I don't want a reminder of that literally hanging over Harry."

"James, it's not just your fault, we are all to blame." She sighed. "We shouldn't have let our fear cloud our better judgement. And in your shoes... I'd probably do the same."

James scoffed. "What we did is already with me every night when I try to sleep. I keep hearing..."

He closed his eyes and sighed sadly.

The Boy who lived and The Boy who survived (Drarry)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz