Chapter 21: The Dragon and The Werewolf

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2 years ago. Summer before 7th Year.

Draco and Remus landed safely on the kitchen floor of the Remus' place as Draco took one look of the place before looking at Remus' hand, which was still holding onto his arm. Draco looked at Remus with a death glare before shaking his hand off him and started to head towards the front door of the house.

"Where do you think you're going, Draco?" Remus said calmly.

Draco didn't turn around. "Where do you think?!"

"Draco, it's not safe for you out there, the Death Eaters will kill you if they catch sight of you wandering around."

"You know what?!" Draco snapped but didn't look back at him. He was mad at him for running away from his problems. He was mad because he couldn't get to his mother. "I'm tired of listening to you! I'm tired of listening to reason. I'm going back and nothing you do will stop me!"

"I'm sorry, Draco." Remus sighed and held up his wand. "But you'll thank me later."

A beam of magic shot out from the end of his wand and stuck Draco from the back. The boy landed with a thump on the floor before Lupin sighed and walked over, and carried him to a couch and sat him down with a blanket.

Tonks came in a minute later.

"What on earth's all that noise?" She rubbed her head and looked at Draco before looking back at her husband who was standing next to the sleeping boy.

"What happened?"

"He was almost captured." Remus sighed. "He tried to save his mother but he was cornered in Knockturn Alley..."

He turned slowly to her. "... by Ravenna."

Tonks' hair turned white as she stepped closer. "She's back?"

Remus looked away and rubbed his eyes. "Yes. She's back."


When Draco finally awoke he felt a warm blanket just below him on his chest as he pulled it up to his shoulder and turned his back to sleep some more. He suddenly snapped his eyes open and flung the blanket off him as if it was made of fire and stood hastily from the couch.

Why the hell was he even sleeping in the first place?

Then thoughts from earlier started to surround his head as he rolled his eyes when the memory finally hit him. Of course. It was the bloody werewolf. He reached for his wand in his pocket but he felt nothing. Angered, he started to storm around the house to look for Lupin before another figure stopped him by the kitchen door.

"Oh. You're awake." The girl said with a smile. "Do make yourself comfortable."

"Where am I?" Draco demanded. "Where's Lupin?!"

"Well depends on which one you're looking for." She giggled happily before showing Draco her left hand at him; a ring glittered there.

Draco raised an eyebrow but was not in the mood for any games. Tonks caught his glare and looked down before crouching awkwardly.

"He's not here." She said kindly. "Do you need anything?"

"Yes." He rolled his eyes. "My wand."

Tonks sighed. "You should really listen to him, you know. He only wants to protect you."

"Since when does he want to protect someone like me?" Draco scoffed.

Tonks sighed before looking at Draco and waved her hand in the air. "Can I get you a drink? Some food?"

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